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. 2020 Nov 24;9:e59961. doi: 10.7554/eLife.59961

Key resources table.

Reagent type
(species) or resource
Designation Source or reference Identifiers Additional
Biological sample (Mus musculus) C57BL/6 primary alveolar epithelial cells Cell Biologics Cat#: C57-6053
Biological sample (Mus musculus) C57BL/6 primary lung microvascular endothelial cells Cell Biologics Cat#: C57-6011
Other Epithelial cell culture medium with kit Cell Biologics Cat#: M6621
Other Endothelial cell culture medium with kit Cell Biologics Cat#: M1168
Strain, strain background (Mus musculus, C57BL6) Tg(act-EGFP) 131Osb/LeySopJ Jackson Laboratory Cat#: 006567; RRID:IMSR_JAX:006567 Female, 6–8 weeks old
Peptide, recombinant protein Murine recombinant M-CSF ThermoFisherScientific Cat#: PMC2044
Commercial assay or kit Superscript IV First Strand Synthesis System Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#: 18091050
Commercial assay or kit Sybr Green PCR Master Mix Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#: 4334973
Antibody Anti-mouse proSPC (Rabbit polyclonal) Abcam Cat#: ab40879; RRID:AB_777473 IF(1:100)
Antibody Anti-mouse Podoplanin-488 (Syrian Hamster monoclonal) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#: 53-5381-82; RRID:AB_1106990 IF(1:100)
Antibody Anti-mouse CD45-647 (Rat monoclonal) BioLegend Cat#: 103124; RRID:AB_493533 IF (1:100)
Commercial assay or kit Lung dissociation kit - mouse Miltenyi Biotec Cat#: 130-095-927
Peptide, recombinant protein Fibronectin from human plasma Sigma-Aldrich Cat#: F1056
Peptide recombinant protein Native Collagen, Bovine dermis AteloCell Cat#: IAC-50 5 mg/ml
Software, algorithm FIJI RRID:SCR_002285
Software, algorithm MATLAB RRID:SCR_001622