Extended Data Figure 1. MeCP2 and HP1α are dynamic components of heterochromatin condensates.
a. Live-cell images of endogenous-tagged HP1α-mCherry and Hoechst staining in mESCs.
b. Live-cell images of endogenous-tagged MeCP2-GFP and HP1α-mCherry in mESCs.
c. Live-cell images of FRAP experiments with endogenously tagged HP1α-mCherry mESCs.
d. FRAP curves for experiments in Extended Data Fig. 1c. Photobleaching occurs at t = 0 s. Mean±SEM, n=7 cells.
e. Half-time of photobleaching recovery for MeCP2-GFP and HP1α-mCherry at heterochromatin condensates in imaging experiments in Fig. 1b and Extended Data Fig. 1c. Mean±SEM, n=7 cells per condition. Two-tailed Student’s t-test: p=0.90, t=0.13, df=12.
f. Mobile fractions of MeCP2-GFP and HP1α-mCherry within heterochromatin condensates in imaging experiments in Fig. 1b and Extended Data Fig. 1c, determined by FRAP analysis. Mean±SEM, n=7 cells per condition. Two-tailed Student’s t-test: p=0.09, t=1.87, df=12.