Figure 1.
Schematic diagram of the extent of the visual field influenced by the different power zones of the dual-focus lenses. The blue dotted lines represent the projection of the eye’s entrance pupil through the central, zero-power zone and delineate the object locations that are imaged exclusively through the central zone (i.e., unrestricted portion of the visual field). The red dashed lines delineate the object eccentricities beyond which all objects are imaged exclusively through the dual-powered portion of the lens, resulting in images that are formed simultaneously at two different focal planes. These image planes have approximately equal amounts of light refracted through the plano and +3D components of the lens. For objects between the blue and red projection lines, the resulting images are also formed at two competing image planes, with the proportion of rays entering through the central lens zone decreasing with eccentricity while those entering through the dual-focus segments increase. See the Supplementary materials.