Live STED and Correlational 3D EM Report PAP Withdrawal after LTP Induction
(A) STED images of dendritic spines (red, CA1 pyramidal cell; Thy1-YFP) and nearby astroglia (green; 600 μM AF 488), before and ~25 min after LTP induction, as indicated; circles, ROIs centered at spine heads.
(B) LTP induction reduces the green/red (astroglia/neuron) pixel ratio within ROIs (G/R; mean ± SEM; 31% ± 10%, n = 22, ∗∗p < 0.01), with no effect on red pixel count (R; −3.1% ± 3.8%; ∗p < 0.02 compared to the G/R change, df = 42); dots, individual ROIs.
(C) Proportion of dendritic spines that adjacent to (green) and away from (gray) PAPs, in control (Cntrl), 20–25 min post-induction (LTP), and the latter with 50 μM APV (+APV); spine numbers shown (Figures S2A–S2D).
(D) Patched astrocyte loaded with biocytin (arrow, local astroglia stained through gap junctions), shown in the fluorescence (left) and DIC channel post-DAB conversion (right).
(E) Electron micrograph showing PAPs of the patched astrocyte (arrow in D) filled with precipitate (blue), and adjacent dendritic spines (yellow) featuring PSDs.
(F) Astrocyte fragment (cyan) reconstructed in 3D, including adjacent thin (white) and mushroom (yellow) dendritic spines with PSDs (red; Figure S2E).
(G) Volumetric measure of synaptic astroglial coverage: PAP VF is calculated within 100 nm-thick concentric 3D shells (circles, not to scale) centered at the PSD (red).
(H) PAP VF around PSDs (mean ± SEM) of thin and mushroom spines, in control and ~30 min after LTP induction, as indicated; sample sizes shown; ∗∗∗p < 0.001 (df = 86 for mushroom and df = 241 for thin spines).