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. 2020 Dec 9;108(5):919–936.e11. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.08.030

Figure 5.

Figure 5

LTP Induction Triggers Withdrawal of Glial Glutamate Transporters Boosting Extracellular Glutamate Transient

(A) Perisynaptic patterns of bassoon (red cluster), Homer 1 (green cluster), and GLT1 (magenta dots) molecules localized with 3D dSTORM; one-synapse example, three viewing angles shown; x-y-z scale bars, 500 nm (STAR Methods).

(B) Nearest-neighbor distances (probability density, mean ± SEM) between GLT1 and bassoon, in control tissue and ~30 min after cLTP induction (Figures S5A and S5B; STAR Methods); sample size: Nm, inter-molecular distances; Nsyn, synapses; Npre, slices; SEM relates to Npre = 5; p < 0.05 (gray segments, significant difference).

(C) Diagram, extracellular immobilization of bFLIPE600n (Venus and ECFP attachments shown) via biotinylation and attachment to streptavidin (SA) (Figure S5D; STAR Methods) in s. radiatum (delivery pipette shown).

(D) Experimental design: sensor-injecting pipette (field) records fEPSPs evoked by Schaffer collateral stimulation (stim) while bFLIPE600n signal is monitored within an adjacent ROI (rectangle).

(E) Example, glutamate signal reported by bFLIPE600n (ΔR, ECFP/Venus signal ratio) in response to Schaffer collateral HFS (100 Hz for 1 s, red arrow; 10 μM NBQX, 50 μM D-APV) in s. radiatum (also Figures S5E and S5F).

(F) Relative fEPSP slope (%, mean ± SEM) in control (green, n = 8 slices), during LTP induction (n = 14, orange), and with 50 μM APV present (n = 7, orange empty); ∗∗∗p < 0.005, difference over 20–25 min post-induction.

(G) Traces, bFLIPE600n response to paired-pulses (20 Hz, arrows; mean ± SEM) in control (green) and ~25 min after LTP induction (orange). Plot, summary (notations as in F); ∗∗p < 0.01, difference between LTP and either control or APV datasets.