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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2020 Oct 12;519:111043. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2020.111043

Table 1. Summary of Wnt/β-catenin LOF and GOF mouse models.

Spatiotemporal control of Wnt/β-catenin signaling is essential for proper development and homeostatic renewal in the adrenal cortex.

Model Cre driver Cre activation Cell population targeted Allele Result of recombination Change in Wnt/β-catenin activation Phenotype Age References
β-catenin LOF SF1-Crehigh E10.5 Entire adrenal cortex Ctnnb1tm2kem Loss of β-catenin Loss of β-catenin (IHC) Adrenal hypoplasia progressing to aplasia E12.5, E14.5, E16.5, and E18.5 Kim et al 2008, Development
SF1-Crehigh E10.5 Entire adrenal cortex Ctnnb1tm2kem Loss of β-catenin Data not shown Adrenal hypoplasia progressing to aplasia E16.5, E18.5, and P0 Huang et al 2012, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
SF1-Crelow E10.5 Stochastic within cortex Ctnnb1tm2kem Loss of β-catenin Reduced TCF/LEF-LacZ and Axin2 (qPCR) Progressive thinning of adrenal cortex 15, 30, and 45 weeks of age Kim et al 2008, Development

RSPO3 LOF cCAG:CreERT +tamoxifen Ubiquitous Rspo3Fx/Fx Loss of Rspo3 Reduced Axin2 (qPCR) and Wnt4 (ISH) Reduced cortical cell number and adrenal weight Loss of zG differentiation (DAB2 and CYP11B2) and loss of Shh and Gli1 expression E16.5 (tamoxifen @ E11.5). 1 day or 2-, 4-, and 6-weeks post tamoxifen in adult mice. Vidal et al, 2016, Genes and Development
Gli1:CreERT2 +tamoxifen Gli1+ capsular cells Rspo3Fx/Fx Loss of Rspo3 Reduced Axin2 (qPCR) Reduced adrenal weight Loss of zG differentiation (DAB2) E18.5 (tamoxifen @ E13.5). 4 weeks post tamoxifen in adult mice. Vidal et al, 2016, Genes and Development

WNT4 LOF SF1-Crehigh E10.5 Entire adrenal cortex Wnt4Fx/Fx Loss of Wnt4 Reduced β-catenin (IHC), LEF1 (IHC and qPCR) and Axin2 (qPCR) Mildly reduced adrenal weight Reduced expression of CYP11B2 and Agtr1 12 weeks of age Drelon et al 2016, Nature Communications; Vidal et al, 2016, Genes and Development
N/A N/A Global knockout Wnt4 global knockout Global loss of Wnt4 Data not shown No change in adrenal size Reduced CYP11B2 expression and aldosterone production E14.5, E18.5, and newborn Heikkila et al 2002, Endocrinology

PORCN LOF SF1-Crehigh E10.5 Entire adrenal cortex PorcnFx/Fx Loss of Porcn Data not shown No change in adrenal size or proliferation Reduced DAB2 and increased AKR1B7 6 weeks of age Basham et al, 2019, Genes and Development

RSPO1 LOF N/A N/A Global knockout Rspo1 global knockout Global loss of Rspo1 No change No defect in adrenal weight or zonation 4, 15, and 30 weeks of age Vidal et al, 2016, Genes and Development

RNF43 LOF SF1-Crehigh E10.5 Entire adrenal cortex Rnf43Fx/Fx Loss of Rnf43 No change No defect 6 weeks of age Basham et al, 2019, Genes and Development

ZNRF3 LOF SF1-Crehigh E10.5 Entire adrenal cortex Znrf3Fx/Fx Loss of Znrf3 Increased low-level β-catenin (IHC), Axin2 and Wnt4 (RNAscope) Progressive hyperplasia from P0 to 6 weeks. ~8.5-fold increased adrenal weight by 6 weeks P0, P14, and 6 weeks of age Basham et al, 2019, Genes and Development
ASCre/+ E18.5 Cyp11b2+ glomerulosa Znrf3Fx/Fx Loss of Znrf3 Increased low-level Axin2 and Wnt4 (RNAscope) Progressive hyperplasia after 15 weeks. ~5.5-fold increased adrenal weight by 52 weeks 15, 30, and 52 weeks of age Basham et al, 2019, Genes and Development

β-catenin GOF SF1-Crelow E10.5 Stochastic within cortex ApcFx/Fx Loss of Apc Increased β-catenin (W. blot and IHC), Axin2 and Lef1 (qPCR) Increased proliferation with no change in adrenal weight Progressive dysplasia 15, 30, 45, and >45 weeeks of age Heaton et al 2012, American Journal of Pathology
0.5 akr1b7:Cre E14.5 Stochastic within cortex Catnblox(ex3) β-catenin stabilization Increased β-catenin (W. blot and IHC) and Axin2 (qPCR) Variable increase in proliferation with ~1.5-fold increased adrenal weight (10 months) Enhanced zG differentiation (increased CYP11B2 and aldosterone) 5 months (~20 weeks) and 10 months (~40 weeks) Berthon et al 2010, Human Molecular Genetics
ASCre/+ E18.5 Cyp11b2+ glomerulosa Catnblox(ex3) β-catenin stabilization Increased β-catenin (IF), Axin2 and Lef1 (qPCR) No increase in proliferation. No increase in adrenal weight until after 38 weeks of age (~2-fold) Block in lineage conversion from zG to zF with increased aldosterone production 5, 10, 15–21, and 38–53 weeks of age Ling and Pignatti et al 2020, Nature Communications; Pignatti and Ling et al 2020, Cell Reports
ASCre/Cre E18.5 Cyp11b2+ glomerulosa Catnblox(ex3) β-catenin stabilization Increased β-catenin (IF) Increased zG proliferation and increased adrenal weight (~2-fold) zG expansion not rescued by candesartan Adult (age not specified) Pignatti and Ling et al 2020, Cell Reports
SF1-Crehigh E10.5 Entire adrenal cortex Catnblox(ex3) β-catenin stabilization Data not shown Significant adrenal hypoplasia Timecourse from E16.5 to P21 Huang et al 2012, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
SF1-Crehigh E10.5 Entire adrenal cortex Catnblox(ex3) β-catenin stabilization Data not shown Significant left adrenal hypoplasia and right adrenal agenesis 1 month of age (~4 weeks) Drelon et al 2016, Nature Communications
SF1-Crehigh E10.5 Entire adrenal cortex ApcFx/Fx Loss of Apc Data not shown Significant adrenal hypoplasia E16.5 Heaton et al 2012, American Journal of Pathology