Forest plots for tissue-dependent effects identified in SMR analysis of 3 TB-BMD/fracture-associated genes. Black dots represent that the gene was associated with the trait in SMR analysis and survived the HEIDI filtering in the specific tissue, while the grey dots represent that the gene was associated with the trait in SMR analysis but was filtered out in the HEIDI analysis. A: LRRC37A4P was associated with TB-BMD and fracture across all 43 GTEx tissues and whole blood of eQTLGen and the direction of effects showed good consistency in different tissues. B: CRIPAK was also associated with both traits across all 43 GTEx tissues and whole blood of eQTLGen, but only survived the HEIDI filtering in 19 tissues in the analysis for fracture. The direction of effects also showed good consistency in different tissues. C: UVSSA was associated with both TB-BMD and fracture in 41 tissues, but showed strong heterogeneity of effect on the trait in different tissues. HEIDI, the heterogeneity in dependent instruments; SMR, summarized Mendelian randomization; TB-BMD, total body BMD.