Physical space and environmental related |
Larger spaces should be divided into color-coded zones (dirty and clean) with extended lines.
Appropriately place mirrors, handrails, or sitting arrangement.
HVAC considerations:
Provision of separate air handling unit with 100% fresh flow and minimal or no re-circulation
15–20 air changes per hour (to increase if re-circulation based system)
Laminar flow pattern from clean to dirty zones applying “conforming to the path principle”
Changing HEPA to ULPA filter, especially if re-circulation based system is used
Frequent air sampling (ddPCR and IMA)
Filter forensics at periodic time intervals
Intelligent HVAC systems
Install sterilizers and disinfectant devices that are effective and approved, that is, ultraviolet radiation device, photon mediated electrons, emitter devices, etc.
Biomedical waste disposal related |
Use sensor-based or foot-operated large sized covered bins.
Use high-level disinfectant (1% Virkon™, Oxivir®) in the bins themselves.
Use biosafety cabinets with UV irradiation for piling up the PPE.
Use conveyor belts to ensure that there is no piling up of the PPE in the doffing zone and their transport to terminal disinfection zone.
Use artificial intelligence like automation about information and/or packing and movement of bins outside doffing zone once they’re filled.
PPE material related |
Use fabric with less viral adherence and viricidal/property.
Use fabric with adequate tensile and breaking strength.
Use fluorescent tracer methods to detect self-contamination.
Human behavior related |
Practice frequent training ensuring compliance to SOPs.
Use tele-monitoring (2-way audio-visual).
Use alarm system for ensuring adequate hand hygiene.