Selective death
of osteosarcoma with short telomeres following
treatment with ATR inhibitor VE-822. Short telomere cell lines, OHSN,
HOS-MNNG, and HAL, and long telomere cell lines, MG-63 and MHM, treated
with VE-822 were assessed using IncuCyte live cell analysis. Medium
was supplemented with the live-cell-impermeable dye SYTOX to quantify
cell death. (a) Representative images of OHSN and MG-63 treated with
vehicle (DMSO) or 1 μM VE-822 at the indicated time. A 15 μm
scale bar is shown. Phase contrast images are overlaid with SYTOX
death dye signal (red) marking dead cells. (b–f) Representative
graphs depicting net death over time, reflected by SYTOX death dye
incorporation normalized to cell density for OHSN (b), HOS-MNNG (c),
HAL (d), MG-63 (e), and MHM (f). Data representative of two or more