TLR treatment of HSPCs leads to increased myeloid versus B lineage cell production despite induction of ARID3a. Liquid B cell-supporting cultures were initiated in triplicate with 10,000 TLR-stimulated HSPCs from 4 donors and were assessed by flow cytometry for surface lineage markers after 4 weeks. (A) Total cell numbers from four experiments are presented. (B) A representative gating scheme for myeloid and B lineage cells is shown with gating for B lineage subsets. (C) Total numbers of CD33−CD19+ B lineage cells are shown. (D) Total numbers of CD33+ CD19− cells are shown with percentages of those cells expressing ARID3a (E). (F) Numbers of cells retaining CD34 in each culture are shown. Each point represents one sample. Means and standard error bars are shown. Significance was assessed by paired T test, *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p = 0.0002.