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. 2020 Dec 14;20:427. doi: 10.1186/s12876-020-01573-9

Table 1.

The characteristics of patients who received lusutrombopag

All Group A Group B p-value
n 31 23 (74.2%) 8 (25.8%)
Male/female 21/10 13/10 8/0 0.0226
Age (years) 64.7 ± 8.8 64.8 ± 9.4 64.3 ± 6.9 0.6838
Lusutrombopag 5/7 days 3/28 3/20 0/8 0.2712
History of platelet transfusion 15/31(48%) 10/23(43%) 5/8(63%) 0.3663
HCV/HBV/NASH/ALC/others 15/2/3/8/3 11/2/2/5/3 4/0/1/3/0
Child–Pugh A/B 17/14 12/11 5/3 0.6206
Child–Pugh score 6.7 ± 1.3 6.7 ± 1.3 6.6 ± 1.5 0.7443
ALBI − 2.06 ± 0.62 − 1.95 ± 0.60 − 2.39 ± 0.54 0.0947
FIB-4 13.24 ± 4.55 13.21 ± 5.02 13.33 ± 2.80 0.8923
M2BPGi (COI) 10.03 ± 5.28 10.49 ± 5.62 8.28 ± 3.13 0.3373
TACE/RFA/EVL/EIS/others 14/7/4/1/5 11/6/2/0/4 3/1/2/1/1
Period until the procedure (day) 12.3 ± 1.9 12.3 ± 1.8 12.4 ± 2.2 0.8728
Platelet count (× 104/µL) < 3.5/3.5–4.5/4.5 <  9/13/9 4/10/9 5/3/0
Baseline platelet count (× 104/µL) 3.9 ± 0.7 4.2 ± 0.6 3.1 ± 0.6 0.0010
Platelet increase > 2 × 104/µL 22 (71%) 20 (87%) 2 (25%) 0.000802
Splenic volume (mL) 694 ± 321 615 ± 280 922 ± 322 0.0254

HCV hepatitis C virus, HBV hepatitis B virus, NASH non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, ALC alcohol, ALBI albumin–bilirubin, FIB-4 fibrosis-4, M2BPGi mac2 binding protein glucosylation isomer, TACE transcatheter arterial chemoembolization, RFA radiofrequency ablation, EVL endoscopic variceal ligation, EIS endoscopic injection sclerotherapy