Impact of sex status on endocannabinoid system gene expression in human airway epithelial cells from individuals with chronic respiratory disease. a) Principal-component analysis (PCA) plot of asthmatic females (n=34) and males (n=28) generated by expression patterns of the 32-gene endocannabinoid signature. The first (68.2%) and second (8.5%) principal components (PCs) were used. b) Asthmatic samples divided into female and male, and plotted separately. c) PCA plot of females (n=48) and males (n=93) with COPD generated by expression patterns of the 32-gene endocannabinoid signature. PC1 (21.6%) and PC2 (12.8%) used. d) COPD samples divided into female and male, and plotted. For both a and c, ellipses were added to represent 95% confidence intervals per sex. For both b and d, log2-transformed expression values were plotted as boxplots of log2 fold change. The dashed line at zero represents the global baseline of expression for the entire set of genes.