No samples were collected during an acute UTI or during a course of antibiotics for a UTI. Patients who experienced a UTI during the study period submitted samples after completion of a course of appropriate antibiotic therapy. In Group 2, patients with a history of rUTI who were on VET at study initiation, there were 36 UTIs in 15 patients during the study period. There was no difference in urine inflammatory score between those who did and did not experience a UTI during the study period (p=0.35). In Group 3, patients with a history of rUTI who were not on VET at study initiation but started at enrollment, 9 patients experienced a total of 22 UTIs. There was no difference in urine inflammatory score between those who did and did not experience a UTI during the study period (p=0.47). There was no difference between follow-up urine inflammatory score in patients in Group 2 and Group 3 who experienced a UTI during the study period (p=0.75) and those that did not experience a UTI during the study period (p=0.17).