Fig 4. Ifit2 deficiency results in increased viral infection, impaired microglial activation but induce no changes in astrocyte activation upon RSA59 infection.
5 μm thin serial sections from brain tissues used in Fig 3 were processed for Viral N protein (Panels A,B), Iba1 (Panels D,E) and GFAP (Panels G,H) immunostaining as indicated. Quantification of Viral N protein, Iba1 and GFAP expression are graphically represented in Panel C, F, and I respectively. The experiment was repeated three times and total n = 8.The scale bar for the whole brain section is 2.8 mm and for the insets is 80 μm. Asterix (*) represents differences that are statistically significant by Student’s unpaired t-test analysis. (**P<0.01, ****P<0.0001).