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. 2020 Dec 1;22(12):e16729. doi: 10.2196/16729

Table 2.

Baseline means (SDs) for myCompass and Healthy Lifestyles Groups.

Characteristics Percentage, n (%); (N=723) myCompass (n=368), mean (SD) Healthy lifestyles (n=355), mean (SD) P value
Demographics N/Aa

Age (years) N/A 57.7 (10.6) 57.7 (10.0)

Female 465 (64.3) 229 (62) 236 (66)

Married 387 (53.5) 204 (55) 183 (52)

Employed 351 (48.5) 173 (47) 178 (50)
Education level N/A

Secondary school or lower 220 (30.4) 112 (30) 108 (30)

Trade certificate or diploma 270 (37.3) 133 (36) 137 (39)

University undergraduate or more 233 (32.2) 123 (33) 110 (31)
Mental health N/A

Lifetime history

Sought professional support for mental health 571 (78.9) 296 (80) 275 (77)

Received mental health diagnosis 300 (41.5) 155 (42) 145 (41)

Diagnosed with depressive symptoms or major depressive disorder 279 (38.6) 143 (38) 136 (38)

Past 6 weeks N/A

Sought professional support for mental health 113 (15.6) 65 (18) 48 (14)


Taking antidepressant medication 241 (33.3) 125 (34) 116 (33) N/A

Months using antidepressant medication N/A 97.70 (94.72) 73.67 (56.21)b .04

Age at diagnosis (years) N/A 46.6 (11.1) 47.2 (10.9) N/A

Diabetes treatment

Healthy eating 437 (60.4) 230 (63) 207 (58)b .04

Physical activity 323 (44.7) 176 (48) 147 (41) N/A

Oral medication 583 (80.6) 295 (80) 288 (81) N/A

Insulin 216 (29.9) 113 (31) 103 (29) N/A

Exenatide 32 (4.4) 21 (6) 11 (3) N/A
Past 6 weeks N/A

Visited general practitioner for diabetes 419 (57.9) 218 (59) 201 (57)

Frequency of general practitioner visit N/A 1.31 (.78) 1.37 (.71)

Hospitalized for diabetes 24 (3.3) 13 (4) 11 (3)

Frequency of hospitalization for diabetes N/A 1.46 (1.5) 1.36 (.9)

aN/A: not applicable.

bMeans differ significantly at P<.05