Table 2.
Baseline means (SDs) for myCompass and Healthy Lifestyles Groups.
Characteristics | Percentage, n (%); (N=723) | myCompass (n=368), mean (SD) | Healthy lifestyles (n=355), mean (SD) | P value | ||||||
Demographics | N/Aa | |||||||||
Age (years) | N/A | 57.7 (10.6) | 57.7 (10.0) |
Female | 465 (64.3) | 229 (62) | 236 (66) |
Married | 387 (53.5) | 204 (55) | 183 (52) |
Employed | 351 (48.5) | 173 (47) | 178 (50) |
Education level | N/A | |||||||||
Secondary school or lower | 220 (30.4) | 112 (30) | 108 (30) |
Trade certificate or diploma | 270 (37.3) | 133 (36) | 137 (39) |
University undergraduate or more | 233 (32.2) | 123 (33) | 110 (31) |
Mental health | N/A | |||||||||
Lifetime history |
Sought professional support for mental health | 571 (78.9) | 296 (80) | 275 (77) |
Received mental health diagnosis | 300 (41.5) | 155 (42) | 145 (41) |
Diagnosed with depressive symptoms or major depressive disorder | 279 (38.6) | 143 (38) | 136 (38) |
Past 6 weeks | N/A | ||||||||
Sought professional support for mental health | 113 (15.6) | 65 (18) | 48 (14) |
Current |
Taking antidepressant medication | 241 (33.3) | 125 (34) | 116 (33) | N/A | ||||
Months using antidepressant medication | N/A | 97.70 (94.72) | 73.67 (56.21)b | .04 | ||||
Diabetes |
Age at diagnosis (years) | N/A | 46.6 (11.1) | 47.2 (10.9) | N/A | |||||
Diabetes treatment |
Healthy eating | 437 (60.4) | 230 (63) | 207 (58)b | .04 | ||||
Physical activity | 323 (44.7) | 176 (48) | 147 (41) | N/A | ||||
Oral medication | 583 (80.6) | 295 (80) | 288 (81) | N/A | ||||
Insulin | 216 (29.9) | 113 (31) | 103 (29) | N/A | ||||
Exenatide | 32 (4.4) | 21 (6) | 11 (3) | N/A | ||||
Past 6 weeks | N/A | |||||||||
Visited general practitioner for diabetes | 419 (57.9) | 218 (59) | 201 (57) |
Frequency of general practitioner visit | N/A | 1.31 (.78) | 1.37 (.71) |
Hospitalized for diabetes | 24 (3.3) | 13 (4) | 11 (3) |
Frequency of hospitalization for diabetes | N/A | 1.46 (1.5) | 1.36 (.9) |
aN/A: not applicable.
bMeans differ significantly at P<.05