Figure 4. Actin monomers associate infrequently with barbed ends bound by Bni1p PRF22FH2.
The experimental conditions were as follows: A range of concentrations of actin monomers (33% Oregon Green-labeled) were allowed to polymerize in microscopy buffer. The data were collected by TIRF microscopy. (A) Time courses of depolymerization following washout of actin monomers for five representative free barbed ends (black) and five barbed ends associated with Bni1p PRF22FH2 (red). (B) Dependence of the rates of barbed end elongation of free (open squares), Bni1p PRF22FH2-bound (filled circles) and Bni1p FH2-bound (open circles) filaments on the concentration of actin monomers. Error bars are standard errors of the mean elongation rate of at least 15 filaments. Lines are linear fits to the data. (C) Dependence of the total (black data), FH1-mediated (purple data) and FH2-mediated (orange data) barbed end elongation rates mediated by PRF22FH2 on the concentration of actin monomers. Error bars are standard errors of the mean elongation rates measured for at least 15 formin-bound filaments. Lines are linear fits to the data.