Figure 1.
Pan‐ and core-genomic analyses of the mega-plasmid family. (A) The plasmid pangenome can be divided into occupancy classes based on the number of plasmids contributing to each homologous gene cluster. The majority of genes belong to the accessory genome, constituting the cloud and shell classes. (B) The estimate of the coregenome size (genes) for this plasmid family was generated from 10 random samples of the 21 plasmids. The fitted curve follows the function proposed by Tettelin et al. (2005). (C) A pangenome matrix showing the presence (red) and absence (cream) of genes among the plasmids. The Acinetobacter species in which each plasmid was resident in are annotated on the right. Plasmids share a tight core-genome, yet, vary extensively in their accessory genomes.