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. 2020 Dec 9;28(6):825–837.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2020.09.006

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Coumarin Biosynthesis Is Important for Plant Growth and Root Microbiota Composition in a Naturally Calcareous Soil

(A) Diagram of pathways for coumarin biosynthesis and export, and reductive uptake of iron in Arabidopsis.

(B and C) (B) SFW and (C) total chlorophyll content of coumarin pathway mutants grown in a non-calcareous (CAS) and a calcareous (IS) soil. Statistical significance was determined by Kruskal-Wallis; each mutant was compared with Col-0 by Wilcoxon Ranked Sum post-hoc. Significance is indicated by red asterisks (, ∗∗, ∗∗∗, indicate p < 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively). For shoot fresh weight measurements, Col-0 n = 171, 204; f6’h1 n = 168, 272; s8h n = 93, 113; cyp82c4 n = 164, 209; and pdr9 n = 172, 169 in CAS and IS, respectively. Chlorophyll content was measured from pooled leaf samples, (Col-0 n = 35, 29; f6’h1 n = 34, 36; s8h n = 19, 14; cyp82c4 n = 34, 30; and pdr9 n = 35, 30 in CAS and IS, respectively).

(D) Constrained ordination of root bacterial community composition of coumarin pathway mutants, constrained for the interaction between soil and genotype. Ellipses delineate multivariate normal distribution at 95% confidence. Data are from one representative experiment of three (Col-0 n = 17, 15; f6’h1 n = 18, 14; s8h n = 15, 14; cyp82c4 n = 18, 15; and pdr9 n = 17, 14 in CAS and IS, respectively). p values represent significance of separations between genotypes within each soil determined by pairwise PERMANOVA. Only f6’h1 (orange) and s8h (purple) were significantly separated from Col-0 in IS. See also: Figures S1 and S2.