Sjp40 improves lipid metabolism in HFD mice. (A) Mice were randomly divided into four groups: the ND-Saline, ND-Sjp40, HFD-Saline and HFD-Sjp40. Mice in the ND-Sjp40 and HFD-Sjp40 groups were injected i.p. with 50 µg Sjp40 twice a week for 10 weeks. (B) Expression of miR-802 and Prkab1 in the livers of mice from the ND-Saline, ND-Sjp40, HFD-Saline group or HFD-Sjp40 group. (C) Dynamic changes in body weight of mice in the ND-Saline, ND-Sjp40, HFD-Saline and HFD-Sjp40 groups. (D) Cholesterol, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C levels in the sera of ND-Saline, ND-Sjp40, HFD-Saline and HFD-Sjp40 mice. (E, F) Representative images of liver sections stained with Oil red O (Scale bars=100 µm). (G, H) Detection of Prkab1, Prkaa1, Prkaa2, phosphorylated AMPK, total ACC and phosphorylated ACC levels in livers of these four groups of mice. Data are expressed as the mean ± s.e.m. from each group, and are representative of one typical experiment out of three, ***P<0.001, **P<0.01. (I) qRT-PCR quantification of the expression of lipogenesis-related genes in the livers of these four groups of mice. (J) qRT-PCR quantification of lipogenesis-related genes expression in the adiposes of mice after injecting with Sjp40. All error bars indicate mean ± s.e.m of 4 mice from each group in one representative experiment; all experiments were repeated twice. *P <0.05, **P <0.01, ***P <0.001