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. 2020 Oct 20;13:100264. doi: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2020.100264

Table 1.

Table of abbreviations.

Term Abbreviation Term Abbreviation
AC Alternating current PEP Pre-ejection period
BOLD signal Blood-oxygen-level-dependent signal PNS Parasympathetic nervous system
BP Blood pressure PP Pulse pressure
BRS Baroreflex sensitivity PPG Photoplethysmography
CAPS Clinician-administered PTSD scale PTSD Posttraumatic stress disorder
CI Confidence interval PTT Pulse transit time
CONSORT Consolidated standards of reporting trials RP Respiration prominence
DBP Diastolic blood pressure RR Respiratory rate
DC Direct current RSP Respiration
ECG Electrocardiography RW Respiration width
EDA Electrodermal activity SBP Systolic blood pressure
fc Cutoff frequency SCG Seismocardiography
fNSSCR frequency of non-specific skin conductance responses DSM Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
GAD Generalized anxiety disorder SCID Structured clinical interview for DSM disorders
(HF/LF) HRV (High frequency/low frequency) heart rate variability SCL Skin conductance level
HR Heart rate SCR Skin conductance response
HR-PET High resolution positron emission tomography SD1 Poincare-based short-term HRV
(k)Hz (kilo)Hertz SD2 Poincare-based short- and long-term HRV
LSCR Latency of skin conductance response SD Standard deviation
MAP Mean arterial pressure SIAD Substance induced anxiety disorder
MDD Major depressive disorder SNS Sympathetic nervous system
OCD Obsessive compulsive disorder SPAWAR Naval Information Warfare Systems Command
PAT Pulse arrival time (tc/ta) VNS (Transcutaneous cervical/auricular) vagus nerve stimulation