Table 1.
Table of abbreviations.
Term | Abbreviation | Term | Abbreviation |
AC | Alternating current | PEP | Pre-ejection period |
BOLD signal | Blood-oxygen-level-dependent signal | PNS | Parasympathetic nervous system |
BP | Blood pressure | PP | Pulse pressure |
BRS | Baroreflex sensitivity | PPG | Photoplethysmography |
CAPS | Clinician-administered PTSD scale | PTSD | Posttraumatic stress disorder |
CI | Confidence interval | PTT | Pulse transit time |
CONSORT | Consolidated standards of reporting trials | RP | Respiration prominence |
DBP | Diastolic blood pressure | RR | Respiratory rate |
DC | Direct current | RSP | Respiration |
ECG | Electrocardiography | RW | Respiration width |
EDA | Electrodermal activity | SBP | Systolic blood pressure |
fc | Cutoff frequency | SCG | Seismocardiography |
fNSSCR | frequency of non-specific skin conductance responses | DSM | Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders |
GAD | Generalized anxiety disorder | SCID | Structured clinical interview for DSM disorders |
(HF/LF) HRV | (High frequency/low frequency) heart rate variability | SCL | Skin conductance level |
HR | Heart rate | SCR | Skin conductance response |
HR-PET | High resolution positron emission tomography | SD1 | Poincare-based short-term HRV |
(k)Hz | (kilo)Hertz | SD2 | Poincare-based short- and long-term HRV |
LSCR | Latency of skin conductance response | SD | Standard deviation |
MAP | Mean arterial pressure | SIAD | Substance induced anxiety disorder |
MDD | Major depressive disorder | SNS | Sympathetic nervous system |
OCD | Obsessive compulsive disorder | SPAWAR | Naval Information Warfare Systems Command |
PAT | Pulse arrival time | (tc/ta) VNS | (Transcutaneous cervical/auricular) vagus nerve stimulation |