a, UMAP projection of composite patient samples. Composite
sample was derived from 1,000 representative cells from patients analyzed with
spectral panel V2 (Methods; HD:
n = 12; OUT-C: n = 7; ICU-C:
n = 10). b–d, Outlined
regions represent the 90% equal probability contouring from the indicated
classification. b, Patient disease status overlaid on the composite
UMAP projection from a. c, Primary populations as
gated in Fig. 1a and Table 1 overlaid on the composite UMAP projection
from a. d, Secondary populations as gated in Fig. 1b–f and Table 1 overlaid on the
composite UMAP projection from a. e, Heat maps of
select marker expression overlaid on composite UMAP projection from
a. b–d, Outlined regions
contain 90% of cells derived from the indicated classification.