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. 2020 Dec 2;287(1940):20201414. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2020.1414

Figure 7.

Figure 7.

The effect of light following an extended dark period on the viability of juvenile EVE somatic cells. EVE cultures were subjected to 31D + 4L and 35D as in figure 6a. (a) Representative fluorescent micrographs of EVE juveniles subjected to 35 h of dark (35D) or 31 h of dark followed by 4 h of light (31D + 4L); dead cells appear green (SYTOX Green) and live cells are red (due to chlorophyll autofluorescence). (b) Percentage of dead somatic cells (per individual) from 35D and 31D + 4L cultures (n = 3; 3 technical replicates with greater than or equal to 20 individuals each; bars indicate s.e.); (c) total DNA extracted from 35D and 31D + 4L cultures not showing the DNA laddering effect characteristic of PCD. M, DNA marker.