Increased excitability and mild changes IPSCs in APP-KI mice. A) Representative traces of current injections in CA1 pyramidal neurons of control (black) and APP-KI (red) slices. B) APP-KI cells were able to fire action potentials at a higher frequency than control cells at increasing current injections (p < 0.0001 2w ANOVA). C) Resting membrane voltage of CA1 pyramidal neurons (p = 0.73, t). D–F) Action potential amplitude (D, measured from threshold; p = 0.88, t), AP halfwidth (E; p = 0.71, MW), and AP threshold (F; p = 0.027, t) in APP-KI and control cells. G) Representative sIPSC recording from control (black) and APP-KI (red) slice. H–J) Frequency (H; p = 0.12, t), amplitude (I; p = 0.79, t), and rise time (J; p = 0.18, MW) of sIPSCs in APP-KI and control cells. K-L) Cumulative distribution of inter-event intervals (IEIs) of fast rise time (K) and slow rise time (L) events (p = 0.96 and p = 0.96, Sidak). The inserts show the mean IEI. M) Fraction of sIPSCs with slow rise times in Aβ-treated and control slices (p = 0.21, t). (Data in B–F: control n = 20, N = 9; APP-KI n = 18, N = 7. Data in H–K: control n = 20, N = 9; Aβ n = 20, N = 7).