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. 2020 Dec 16;18(12):e06338. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6338
Date Event
06/05/2015 Info session held in Barcelona, where a general discussion took place on how to follow up a series of inconclusive opinions on the safety of the proposed use levels of certain chemically defined flavourings
11/05/2016 Technical hearing during risk assessment with the applicant according to the “EFSA's Catalogue of support initiatives during the life‐cycle of applications for regulated products, held in Milan (FEEDAP working group on guidance update)
02/12/2019 Dossier received by EFSA. Safety of 31 flavouring compounds belonging to different chemically defined groups for all animal species. Submitted by FEFANA asbl
10/01/2020 Reception mandate from the European Commission
27/02/2020 Application validated by EFSA – Start of the scientific assessment
29/06/2020 Request of supplementary information to the applicant in line with Article 8(1)(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 – Scientific assessment suspended. Issues: safety for the target species, safety for the environment
26/08/2020 Reception of supplementary information from the applicant ‐ Scientific assessment re‐started
18/11/2020 Opinion adopted by the FEEDAP Panel. End of the Scientific assessment