Figure 4. Effect of acute and neonatal exposure of mice to EPEC infection on 14C-AA uptake, mSVCT1 and mSVCT2 expression levels in mouse colon.
14C-AA uptake was determined in mouse colon after acute exposure of EPEC (WT) infection (see “Methods”) (A). Western blot was conducted using 60 μg of protein obtained from both acute and neonatal exposed colon mucosa in order to assess the mSVCT1 (B, F) and mSVCT2 (C, G) protein levels. The mSVCT1 (D, H) and mSVCT2 (E, I) mRNA expression levels in mouse colon were measured using RT-qPCR. Data are mean ± SE of at least triplicate determinations from different mice. ** P < 0.05.