Arslan and Celiker,21 2001a
20 (20) |
56 |
Mean, 4.1 mo |
IA corticosteroid; n = 10 (10)
Physiotherapy (hot pack, ultrasound, exercises) with NSAID; n = 10 (10)
Both groups received 12-wk home exercise program
Single IA corticosteroid injection; physiotherapy not stated for how long, likely 12 wk (0, 2, and 12 wk) |
AROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
PROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Pain (VAS, 0-10), unspecified
Bal et al,22 2008a
80 individuals with 82 shoulders (64) |
56.6 |
Range, 6 wk-6 mo |
IA corticosteroid; n = 40 (40)
Sham injection (normal saline); n = 40 (24)
Both groups received 12-wk home exercise program
Single IA corticosteroid or normal saline injection (0, 2, and 12 wk) |
PROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Night pain (VAS, 0-100)
Functional disability (SPADI)
Treatment effectiveness (UCLA end-result score)
Binder et al,55 1986 |
40 (unknown) |
54.8 |
Mean (range), 5.5 mo (1-12 mo) |
Oral corticosteroid; n = 20 (unknown)
No treatment; n = 20 (unknown)
Both groups received home exercise program, which entailed 2-3 min of movement every hour
Oral prednisolone for 6 wk (0, 2, 4, and 6 wk then monthly to 8 mo) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), at rest, at night, on movement
PROM (ABD, FL, and ER)
Blockey et al,56 1954 |
32 (30) |
55 |
Mean, 5.6 mo |
Oral corticosteroid; n = 16 (14)
Oral placebo; n = 16 (16)
Both groups received home exercises for 4 wk; patients who still had restricted ROM at 4 wk underwent MUA and further 4 wk treatment with oral corticosteroid or placebo, according to initial treatment allocation
Oral corticosteroid or placebo for 4 weeks (0, 1, 4, 5, 8, and 18 wk) |
Pain (0-3) at rest and on movement”
ROM (total ABD, scapulohumeral ABD, total rotation), unclear whether active or passive
Buchbinder et al,57 2004 |
50 (46) |
54.3 |
Mean, 23.3 wk |
Oral corticosteroid; n = 24 (24)
Oral placebo; n = 26 (22)
Both groups received home exercise program of an unknown duration
Oral corticosteroid or placebo for 3 weeks (0, 3, 6, and 12 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10) at night and activity-related
Functional disability (SPADI, Croft, DASH)
Function (HAQ)
QoL (SF-36)
Patient-rated improvement
AROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Buchbinder et al,58 2004 |
46 (46) |
57.3 |
Mean (range), 116 d (96-402 d) |
Arthrographic distension with IA corticosteroid; n = 25 (25)
Arthrography only (placebo); n = 21 (21)
Both groups received home exercise program of an unknown duration
Single injection (0, 3, 6, and 12 wk) |
Functional Disability (SPADI and PET)
Pain (SPADI and VAS, 0-10), overall (unspecified)
AROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Bulgen at al, 23 1984a
45 (42) |
55.8 |
Mean (range), 4.8 mo (1-12 mo) |
IA corticosteroid once weekly for 6 wk; mobilizations, ice. and PNF three times weekly for 6 wk (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 12 wk, 4, 5, and 6 mo) |
Calis et al,24 2006a
95 shoulders (unknown) |
56.9 |
>1 mo |
IA sodium hyaluronate; n = 27 (unknown)
IA corticosteroid; n = 26 (unknown)
Physiotherapy (hot pack, US, TENS, stretching); n = 22 (unknown)
No treatment; n = 20 (unknown)
All groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
IA sodium hyaluronate injection once weekly for 2 wk; single IA corticosteroid injection; physiotherapy for 10 d (0, 15 d, 3 mo) |
Carette et al,25 2003a
93 (77) |
55.3 |
Mean, 21.1 wk, everyone <1 y |
IA corticosteroid IA with physiotherapy; n = 22 (20)
IA corticosteroid; n = 25 (16)
IA placebo with physiotherapy; n = 27 (23)
IA placebo n = 23 (22)
All groups received 3-mo home exercise program; physiotherapy included TENS, mobilizations, exercises, and ice for patients with acute disease and US, mobilizations, exercise, and ice for those with chronic disease
Single injections of IA corticosteroid and placebo; supervised physiotherapy 3 sessions weekly for 4 wk (0, 6 wk, 3 mo, 6 mo, 1 y) |
Functional disability (SPADI)
Pain (SPADI, 0-100), unspecified
QoL (SF-36)
AROM and PROM (ABD, FL, and ER)
Cheing et al,59 2008 |
74 (70) |
33-90, unknown mean |
Mean (range), 7.2 mo (1-24 mo) |
10 sessions during 4 wk for EA and IFE (0, 1 mo, 3 mo, 6 mo) |
Chen et al,60 2014 |
40 (34) |
53.4 |
>3 mo |
Oral corticosteroid for 4 wk; 3 sessions of ESWT during 4 wk (0, 2, 4, 6, and 12 wk) |
Function (CM and OSS)
AROM, from CM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Pain (CM), unspecified
Cho et al,26 2016a
126 (110) |
56.6 |
Mean, 5 mo |
IA corticosteroid; n = 42 (36)
SA corticosteroid; n = 42 (37)
IA with SA corticosteroid, n = 42 (37)
All groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
Single injections (0, 3, 6, and 12 wk) |
Function (ASES shoulder score)
Pain (VAS. 0-10) with movement
PROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Dacre et al,27 1989a
66 (62) |
54.9 |
>4 wk |
IA corticosteroid; n = 22 (22)
Physiotherapy (mobilizations); n = 22 (20)
IA corticosteroid with physiotherapy; n = 22 (20)
No home exercise program
Supervised physiotherapy for 4-6 wk (0, 6 wk, 6 mo) |
Dahan et al,61 1999 |
34 (27) |
52 |
Mean, 1 y |
Suprascapular nerve block with bupivacaine; n = 17 (15)
Placebo injection; n = 17 (12)
Both groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
3 injections over 2 weeks |
De Carli et al,62 2012 |
46 (44) |
55.5 |
Mean, 3 mo |
MUA with ACR; n = 25 (23)
IA corticosteroid; n = 21 (21)
IA corticosteroid group received both supervised physiotherapy and home exercise program; MUA with ACR group started active strengthening 5 wk postoperation
Single MUA with ACR; IA corticosteroid once weekly for 3 wk (0, 3, 6 , and 12 wk, 6 and 12 mo) |
Function (CM, UCLA, ASES, and SST)
PROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Treatment satisfaction (VAS)
Dehghan et al,28 2013a
75 (59); patients had diabetes |
54 |
Not stated |
NSAID (naproxen, 1g/d); n = 35 (28)
IA corticosteroid; n = 40 (29)
Both groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
Single injection of IA corticosteroid; NSAID of unknown duration (0, 2, 6, 12, and 24 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), unspecified
ROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR), unknown if active or passive
Gallacher et al,63 2018 |
50 (39) |
53.9 |
>3 mo |
Arthrographic distension with IA corticosteroid; n = 25 (20)
ACR with IA corticosteroid; n = 25 (19)
Both groups received home exercises and what authors described as standard physiotherapy regimen of unknown duration
Single treatment (0, 6 wk, 3 mo, 6 mo) |
Function (OSS)
QoL (EQ-5D)
PROM (ABD, FL, and ER)
Gam et al,29 1998a
22 (20) |
53 |
Median, 5 mo |
1 injection weekly for 6 wk or until no symptoms (0, 3, 6, and 12 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), at rest and with movement
Use of analgesics
Hsieh et al,64 2012 |
70 (63) |
54.5 |
Mean, 4.5 mo |
IA sodium hyaluronate with physiotherapy (heat, electrotherapy, exercises); n = 35 (32)
Physiotherapy; n = 35 (31)
No home exercise program
Injection weekly for 3 wk; physiotherapy for 3 mo (0, 6, and 12 wk) |
AROM and PROM (FL, ABD, ER, and IR)
Pain (VAS, 0-100), unspecified
Functional disability (SPADI and SDQ)
QoL (SF-36)
Jacobs et al,65 2009 |
53 (51) |
57 |
Median, 17.5 mo |
Single MUA; 3 IA corticosteroid injections over 18 wk (0, 2, 6, and 12 wk, 6, 9 , 12, 18, and 24 mo) |
Jacobs et al,66 1991 |
47 individuals with 50 shoulders (35) |
53.4 |
Median (range), 6 mo (1-24 mo) |
Arthrographic distension; n = 14 (unknown)
IA corticosteroid; n = 15 (unknown)
Arthrographic distension with IA corticosteroid; n = 18 (unknown)
All groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
As many as 3 injections over 12 wk (0, 6, 12, 16) |
Jones and Chattopadhyay,67 1999 |
30 (30) |
56.5 |
Not stated |
Suprascapular nerve block; n = 15 (15)
IA corticosteroid; n = 15 (15)
Both groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
Single suprascapular nerve block; ≤3 IA corticosteroid injections (0, 1, 3, 7, and 12 wk) |
Pain (VAS. 0-5), unspecified
ROM (ABD, ER, and IR), unknown if active or passive
Khallaf et al,30 2018a
40 (unknown) |
47.3 |
Mean, 1.5 mo |
IA corticosteroid; n = 20 (unknown)
SA corticosteroid; n = 20 (unknown)
Both groups received 12-wk home exercise program
Single injection (0 and 12 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), unspecified
Functional disability (SPADI)
AROM (FF, ER, IR, and EXT)
PROM (FF, ER, IR, and EXT)
Khan et al,68 2005 |
36 (35) |
Unknown |
Not stated |
Physiotherapy (exercises, TENS, and IRR); n = 18 (unknown)
Physiotherapy with arthrographic distension and IA corticosteroid; n = 18 (unknown)
8 wk (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 wk) |
Kim et al,69 2017 |
40 (30) |
55.2 |
Mean, 4 mo |
IA sodium hyaluronate; n = 20 (16)
IA sodium hyaluronate with IA tramadol; n = 20 (14)
Both received home exercise program of unknown duration
IA sodium hyaluronate weekly injections for 5 wk; IA tramadol for 3 wk (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 wk) |
Pain (VAS 0-10), unspecified
Functional disability (SPADI)
PROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Kivimäki and Pohjolainen,70 2001 |
30 (24) |
51 |
Mean (range), 7 mo (3-18 mo) |
Single treatment (0, 1 d, 4 mo) |
Kivimäki et al,71 2007 |
125 (83) |
53 |
Mean, 7.2 mo |
Single MUA (0, 6 wk, 3, 6, and 12 mo) |
PROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Pain (VAS, 0-10), unspecified
Functional disability (modified SDQ)
Function (working ability, 0-10)
Use of analgesics
Klç et al,72 2015 |
41 (41) |
58.4 |
>1 mo |
Suprascaular nerve block with physiotherapy; n = 19 (19)
Physiotherapy; n = 22 (22)
Physiotherapy included hot packs, exercises, stretching, TENS, and US; both groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
Physiotherapy, 5 sessions a week for 3 weeks; single suprascapular nerve block (0, 3, and 7 wk) |
Pain (BPI-SF)
Function (CM)
Koh et al,31 2013a
68 (unknown) |
54.4 |
Mean, 6 mo |
Bee venom acupuncture with physiotherapy; n = 22 (unknown)
Higher dose bee venom acupuncture with physiotherapy; n = 23 (unknown)
Sham injection (normal saline) with physiotherapy; n = 23 (unknown)
Physiotherapy included TENS, TDP, and mobilizations; all groups received 2-mohome exercise program
16 sessions during 2 mo (0, 2, 4, 8, and 12 wk) |
Disability (SPADI)
Pain (VAS, 0-10), at rest, at night, and with movement
Kraal et al,32 2018a
21 (15) |
51.9 |
>3 mo |
IA corticosteroid with physiotherapy (mobilizations, stretching, ice and hot packs, and massage); n = 10 (unknown)
IA corticosteroid; n = 11 (unknown)
No home exercise program
Single injection but second given if no improvement at 6 wk; physiotherapy twice weekly ≤3 mo (0, 6, 12, and 26 wk) |
Functional disability (SPADI)
Pain (NPRS, 0-10), mean and at night
QoL (SF-36)
Patient satisfaction (0-5)
Lee et al,33 1974a
65 (unknown) |
57.3 |
Between 3 mo and 5 y |
Physiotherapy (heat and exercises); n = 17 (unknown)
Analgesics; n = 15 (unknown)
IA corticosteroid with physiotherapy (heat and exercises) n = 15 (unknown)
Bicep tendon corticosteroid with physiotherapy (heat and exercises) n = 18 (unknown)
Details regarding number of injections and duration of physiotherapy and analgesics not given (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 wk) |
PROM (ABD, ER, and IR)
Lee et al,34 2017a
64 (64) |
54.9 |
Mean, 8 mo |
IA corticosteroid; n = 32 (32)
IA corticosteroid with arthrographic distension; n = 32 (32)
Both groups received 6-wk home exercise program
Single injection (0, 3, 6, and 12 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), global
Functional disability (SPADI)
Lee et al,35 2017a
30 (unknown) |
58.7 |
Not stated |
ESWT with physiotherapy (hot packs, US, and electrotherapy); n = 15 (unknown)
Physiotherapy (hot packs, US, and electrotherapy); n = 15 (unknown)
No home exercise program
Both treatments 3 times weekly for 4 wk (0 and 4 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), unspecified
ROM (FL, ER), unknown if active or passive
Lim et al,73 2014 |
68 (62) |
53.8 |
Mean, 7.3 mo |
IA corticosteroid; n = 34 (33)
IA sodium hyaluronate; n = 34 (29)
Both groups received home exercise program
Single injection of IA corticosteroid; 3 injections sodium hyaluronate (0, 2, and 12 wk) |
Lo et al,36 2020a
21 (unknown) |
59.6 |
Everyone >3 mo |
Electroacupuncture with physiotherapy; n = 11 (unknown)
Sham electroacupuncture with physiotherapy; n = 10 (unknown)
Physiotherapy included hot packs, exercises, and ice packs
18 sessions during 6-9 wk (0, 1, 3, and 6 mo) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), with movement
Functional disability (SPADI)
Lorbach et al,74 2010 |
40 (unknown) |
51 |
Mean, 11 mo |
IA corticosteroid; n = 20 (unknown)
Oral corticosteroid; n = 20 (unknown)
Both groups received supervised physiotherapy (unspecified) and 8-wk home exercise program
IA corticosteroid 3 injections during 8 wk; oral corticosteroid for 25 d (0, 4, 8, and 12, 6 and 12 mo) |
Function (CM, SST, and VAS)
Pain (VAS, 0-10, reversed), unspecified
PROM (FL, ER, and IR)
Patient satisfaction (VAS)
Ma et al,37 2006a
75 (unknown) |
54.8 |
Mean, 25.8 wk, everyone >3 mo |
Physiotherapy; n = 30 (unknown)
Acupuncture; n = 30 (unknown)
Physiotherapy with acupuncture; n = 15 (unknown)
Physiotherapy included hot pack, mobilizations, and exercises; no home exercise program
Acupuncture twice weekly for 4 wk; physiotherapy 5 times weekly for 4 wk (0, 2, and 4 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), at rest and with movement
QoL (SF-36)
Maryam et al,38 2012a
87 (69) |
53.6 |
Mean, 5.8 mo, everyone <1 y |
Physiotherapy; n = 27 (8)
IA corticosteroid with physiotherapy; n = 29 (14)
IA corticosteroid; n = 31 (14)
Physiotherapy included TENS, exercises, and ice; all groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
Single injection of IA corticosteroid single injection; 10 sessions of physiotherapy (0 and 6 wk) |
Functional disability (SPADI)
Pain (SPADI, 0-100), unspecified
AROM (ABD, FL, and ER)
PROM (ABD, FL, and ER)
Mukherjee et al,75 2017 |
60 (56) |
50.4 |
Mean, 6.3 mo |
Single treatment (0, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), unspecified
Function (CM)
Mun and Baek,76 2016 |
136 (121) |
53 |
Mean, 6.5 mo, everyone >3 mo |
Arthrographic distension with IA corticosteroid and MUA; n = 67 (60)
IA corticosteroid; n = 69 (61)
Both groups received supervised exercises for 1 mo followed by home exercise program of unknown duration
Single injection (0, 2, 6, 12, 24, and 48 wk) |
Oh et al,39 2011a
71 (58) |
57 |
Mean, 6.6 mo |
IA corticosteroid; n = 37 (31)
SA corticosteroid; n = 34 (27)
Both groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
Single injection (0, 3, 6, and 12 wk) |
Park and Hwnag,40 2000a
55 |
56.5 |
Not stated |
IA corticosteroid with arthrographic distension; n = 28 (unknown)
IA corticosteroid; n = 27 (unknown)
Unclear whether home exercise program was used
Single injection (0, 1 wk, 1 mo) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10)
AROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Cyriax stages of arthritis
Park et al,77 2013 |
90 (90) |
55.8 |
Mean (range), 5.3 mo (3-9 mo) |
Arthrographic distension with sodium hyaluronate; n = 45 (45)
IA corticosteroid n = 45 (45)
Both groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
3 injections during 4 wk (0, 2, and 6 wk) |
Park et al,78 2014 |
53 (unknown) |
56 |
Range, 3-9 mo |
Arthrographic distension with IA corticosteroid, intensive mobilization, and general physiotherapy; n = 16 (unknown)
Arthrographic distension with IA corticosteroid and general physiotherapy; n = 12 (unknown)
Intensive mobilization with general physiotherapy; n = 14 (unknown)
General physiotherapy; n = 11 (unknown)
General physiotherapy included hot packs, TENS, and US; all groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
All treatments twice weekly for 4 wk (0 and 4 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), unspecified
Functional disability (SPADI)
Function (CM)
AROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Park et al,41 2015 |
30 (unknown) |
53.5 |
Not stated |
ESWT with physiotherapy; n = 15 (unknown)
Physiotherapy; n = 15 (unknown)
Physiotherapy included hot packs, US, and electrotherapy; no home exercise program
Twice weekly for 6 wk (0 and 4 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), unspecified
Function (patient-specific functional scales)
Prestgaard et al,42 2015a
122 (114) |
54.5 |
Mean (range), 15 wk (1-6 mo) |
IA corticosteroid; n = 42 (39)
IA with rotator interval corticosteroid; n = 40 (39)
Sham injection (IA with rotator interval local anesthetic); n = 40 (36)
No home exercise program
Single injection (0, 3, 6, 12, and 26 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), general and at night
Shoulder disability (SPADI)
AROM (ABD, FL, and ER)
Use of analgesics
QoL (EQ-5D)
Pushpasekaran et al,79 2017 |
85 (80) |
56.3 |
Mean (range), 15.2 mo (2.5-49 mo) |
IA corticosteroid; n = 43 (40)
3-site injection (IA, SA, and subcoracoid); n = 42 (40)
Both groups received NSAIDs, physiotherapy (US), and 4-wk home exercise program for prior to intervention
2 treatments during 3 wk (0, 3, and 6 wk, 6 mo) |
Quaraishi et al,80 2007 |
36 individuals with 38 shoulders (33) |
55.2 |
Mean (range), 33.7 wk (12-76 wk) |
Arthrographic distension; n = 19 (18)
MUA with IA corticosteroid n = 17 (15)
Both groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
Single treatment (0, 2 mo, 6 mo) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), unspecified
Function (CM)
PROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Ranalletta et al,43 2015a
74 (69) |
63.4 |
Mean, 12 wk, everyone >1 mo |
Single IA corticosteroid injection; NSAID twice a day for unknown duration (0, 2, 4, 8, and 12) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), overall
Function (ASES and CM)
Functional disability (qDASH)
Reza et al,44 2013a
100 (100) |
59.5 |
Mean, 115 d, everyone >3 mo |
IA corticosteroid; n = 50 (50)
Arthrographic distention with IA corticosteroid; n = 50 (50)
Both groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
Single injection (0, 2 d, 12 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), unspecified
ROM (ABD, FL, EXT, ER, and IR) unknown whether active or passive
Rizk et al,45 1991a
48 (44) |
55 |
Mean (range), 13.2 wk (8-18 wk) |
IA corticosteroid; n = 16 (15)
Intrabursal (SA) corticosteroid; n = 16 (14)
IA LA; n = 8 (8)
Intrabursal (SA) LA; n = 8 (7)
All groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
3 injections during 2 wk (weekly 0-11 wk, 15 wk, and 6 mo) |
Roh et al,46 2011a
50 (45); patients with diabetes |
54.9 |
Mean (range), 6.4 wk (4 wk-6 mo) |
IA corticosteroid; n = 25 (23)
No treatment; n = 25 (22)
Both groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
Single injection (0, 4, 12, and 24 wk) |
Rouhani et al,81 2016 |
72 (64) |
52.8 |
Not stated |
Calcitonin nasal spray with physiotherapy (details not stated); n = 36 (32)
Placebo spray with physiotherapy (details not stated); n = 36 (32)
Both groups received oral NSAIDs
Calcitonin and placebo spray for 6 weeks (0 and 6 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), overall and at night
Functional disability (DASH and SPADI)
PROM (ABD, FL, and ER)
Ryans et al,47 2005a
80 (78) |
54.1 |
Mean, 10.4 wk, everyone >4 wk |
IA corticosteroid with physiotherapy; n = 20 (20)
IA corticosteroid; n = 20 (19)
IA placebo (normal saline) with physiotherapy; n = 20 (20)
IA placebo; n = 20 (19)
Physiotherapy included PNF, mobilizations, electrotherapy, and exercises; all groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
Single injection; physiotherapy of unknown duration (0, 6, and 16 wk) |
AROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
PROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Pain (VAS, 0-100), at rest
Function (VAS and HAQ)
Functional disability (SDQ)
QoL (SF-36)
Schröder et al,82 2017 |
60 (60) |
53.5 |
Mean, 15.6 mo |
Single session (baseline and postsession) |
Function (CM)
Pain (CM, 0-15)
Schydlowsky et al,83 2012 |
18 (14) |
51 |
Everyone >3 wk |
1 injection every 2 wk to 3 injections (0, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 wk) |
Sharma et al,48 2016a
106 (87) |
53 |
Median (range), 6.8 mo (2-37 mo) |
IA corticosteroid; n = 36 (34)
IA corticosteroid with arthrographic distension; n = 34 (32)
Treatment as usual (physiotherapy, analgesia, or no treatment); n = 36 (21)
No home exercise program
4 injections during 1 mo (0, 4 and 8 wk, 12 mo) |
Shin and Lee,49 2013a
191 (158) |
55.7 |
>3 mo, mean 7.2 mo |
SA corticosteroid; n = 49 (41)
IA corticosteroid; n = 48 (42)
SA with IA corticosteroid; n = 47 (39)
NSAID; n = 49 (36)
All groups received home exercise program of >3-mo duration
Single SA and IA injection; oral NSAID for 6 wk (0, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 24 wk) |
Function (ASES)
Pain (VAS, 0-10), unspecified
Treatment satisfaction (VAS)
AROM (FL, ER, and IR)
Sun et al,84 2001 |
35 (30) |
56.3 |
Mean, 6.5 mo |
Acupuncture twice weekly for 6 wk (0, 6, 20 wk) |
Sun et al,50 2018a
97 (77) |
53.9 |
Mean, 15.2 wk, everyone <9 mo |
IA corticosteroid; n = 30 (24)
SA corticosteroid; n = 34 (26)
Rotator interval corticosteroid; n = 33 (27)
All groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
Single injection (0, 4, 8, and 12 wk) |
Pain (VAS, 0-10), unspecified
Function (CM)
Functional disability (DASH)
PROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Tveitå et al,51 2008a
76 (69) |
51.5 |
Mean, 7 mo, everyone 3 mo-2 y |
3 injection during 4 wk (0 and 10 wk) |
Functional disability (SPADI)
AROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
PROM (ABD, FL, ER, and IR)
Vahdatpour et al,52 2014a
40 (36) |
58.2 |
Not stated |
Once weekly for 4 wk (0, 4 and 12 wk, 6 mo) |
Pain (SPADI 0-100), unspecified
Functional disability (SPADI)
van der Windt,53 et al 1998a
109 (103) |
58.5 |
82 with <6 mo; 27 with >6 mo |
Physiotherapy (mobilizations and exercises) n = 56 (54)
IA corticosteroid; n = 53 (49)
Physiotherapy group received ice and hot packs and electrotherapy at the physiotherapist’s discretion; no home exercise program
Physiotherapy for 6 wk; IA corticosteroid as many as 3 injections during 6 wk (0, 3, 7, 13,26, and 52 wk) |
Satisfaction (0-5)
Pain (VAS, 0-100), during day and at night
Functional disability (SDQ)
Widiastuti-Samekto and Sianturi,85 2004 |
28 (27) |
40-69 |
Range, 1-6 mo |
IA corticosteroid with physiotherapy; n = 13 (13)
Oral corticosteroid with physiotherapy; n = 15 (14)
Physiotherapy was supervised and included 20 sessions of mobilizations and ice and hot packs; no home exercise program
Single IA corticosteroid injection; oral corticosteroid for 3 wk (0, 1, 2, and 3 wk) |
Treatment success (90% improvement in ABD and ER PROM)
Pain (VAS, 0-10), unspecified
Yoon et al,54 2016a
90 (86) |
55 |
Mean, 9 mo |
IA corticosteroid; n = 30 (29)
SA corticosteroid; n = 30 (29)
Arthrographic distension with IA corticosteroid; n = 30 (28)
All groups received home exercise program of unknown duration
Single injection (0, 1, 3, and 6 mo) |