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. 2019 Feb 7;40:325–345. doi: 10.1007/s11111-019-0314-1

Table 2.

Descriptive statistics for analyzed variables

Variable Unit N* Weekly responses Monthly responses Seasonal responses
Mean* SE* n* Mean* SE* n* Mean* SE* n*
Unfiltered data
  Fuel spending Taka/week 6800 627.80 (261.04) 154 264.07 (568.26) 184 49.32 (321.35) 141
  Cosmetics spending 7264 264.41 (78.85) 177 64.70 (72.61) 205 19.36 (79.12) 103
  Transport spending 2372 568.28 (170.99) 326 448.59 (1237.58) 159 67.80 (321.75) 39
  Washing spending 2961 147.50 (38.39) 266 44.29 (49.02) 220 7.49 (22.88) 47
  Crops sold 2648 515.86 (426.74) 142 188.06 (337.85) 135 90.64 (870.23) 95
  Male family labor - plant Person-hours/week 452 66.37 (36.65) 89 2.90 (5.75) 47 1.95 (6.93) 79
  Male hired labor - plant 429 155.27 (112.76) 89 131.95 131.95 45 9.20 (28.54) 77
  Female family labor - plant 236 31.73 (10.00) 59 4.94 (5.51) 27 1.27 (2.71) 60
  Female hired labor - plant 224 299.83 (147.74) 56 52.93 (64.95) 24 57.20 (30.04) 54
  Sick days Days/week 3614 3.69 (1.42) 217 2.13 (4.95) 52 0.76 (7.11) 129
  Missed school 3384 1.90 (0.58) 174 0.92 (1.16) 158 0.27 (1.79) 82
  Cereals kg/week 2917 4.59 (2.18) 168 4.61 (3.20) 50 3.00 (0.61) 54
  Pulses 1362 4.32 (0.65) 161 0.44 (0.21) 38 1.24 (0.05) 51
  Oils 1082 3.81 (3.17) 107 12.32 (2.54) 27 0.31 (0.05) 32
  Vegetables 4855 2.98 (1.88) 195 5.68 (3.86) 66 6.50 (2.56) 78
  Leafy vegetables 1356 2.46 (1.81) 170 0.76 (0.12) 40 2.51 (0.16) 51
  Meat and egg 1777 2.54 (1.95) 185 12.66 (0.96) 51 1.17 (0.23) 64
  Dairy 288 6.85 (4.56) 61 1.87 (0.08) 16 0.88 (0.03) 12
  Big fish 903 2.16 (1.14) 157 1.05 (0.22) 35 22.38 (0.05) 28
  Small fish 779 1.79 (1.08) 159 14.91 (0.13) 35 1.43 (0.04) 30
  Spice 573 0.51 (0.26) 34 0.23 (0.00) 2 0.08 (0.00) 5
  Drinks 139 1.26 (0.82) 42 0.45 (0.06) 8 0.79 (0.02) 9
  Food outside of home 211 0.91 (0.37) 28 1.02 (0.09) 9 0.86 (0.00) 5
  Fruits 615 2.82 (2.16) 100 1.43 (0.30) 21 2.34 (0.16) 32
  Data screened for outliers and reduced/lost participation Fuel spending Taka/week 6198 215.61 (50.99) 109 90.22 (91.77) 179 18.21 (60.94) 122
  Cosmetics spending 6835 165.99 (27.22) 129 53.27 (50.73) 202 15.81 (45.73) 99
  Transport spending 1147 279.86 (55.27) 221 84.26 (87.64) 150 39.02 (116.46) 37
  Washing spending 1776 78.25 (13.22) 178 31.47 (27.88) 209 5.50 (14.90) 42
  Crops sold 2128 10.43 (6.60) 122 3.14 (6.69) 122 2.01 (10.48) 84
  Male family labor -plant Person-hours/week 412 5.66 (2.71) 83 2.90 (5.75) 47 1.13 (4.09) 72
  Male hired labor -plant 370 6.51 (3.13) 83 2.86 (6.14) 44 1.18 (3.10) 68
  Female family labor -plant 208 3.32 (1.87) 52 1.68 (2.99) 24 0.95 (1.76) 59
  Female hired labor -plant 171 5.94 (3.65) 42 3.85 (8.67) 19 2.41 (6.56) 46
  Sick days Days/week 3468 2.36 (0.88) 187 0.93 (1.27) 50 0.28 (1.41) 116
  Missed school 3316 1.66 (0.54) 149 0.71 (1.01) 150 0.20 (0.93) 78
  Cereals kg/week 2863 1.69 (0.33) 124 1.40 (0.21) 47 2.24 (0.14) 52
  Pulses 1298 0.34 (0.07) 150 0.27 (0.04) 37 0.20 (0.03) 42
  Oils 993 0.21 (0.04) 90 0.24 (0.03) 21 0.29 (0.03) 31
  Vegetables 4716 1.17 (0.31) 174 1.20 (0.29) 65 1.72 (0.25) 73
  Leafy vegetables 1325 0.76 (0.15) 164 0.76 (0.12) 40 1.11 (0.17) 48
  Meat and egg 1709 0.73 (0.19) 177 0.85 (0.16) 50 0.87 (0.08) 62
  Dairy 280 0.67 (0.13) 60 0.75 (0.09) 14 0.88 (0.03) 12
  Big fish 874 0.75 (0.16) 151 0.89 (0.23) 34 0.99 (0.05) 27
  Small fish 755 0.65 (0.13) 156 0.52 (0.06) 33 0.61 (0.04) 29
  Spice 544 0.16 (0.03) 32 0.23 (0.00) 2 0.08 (0.00) 5
  Drinks 130 0.35 (0.09) 37 0.45 (0.06) 8 0.79 (0.02) 9
  Food outside of home 195 0.38 (0.18) 24 0.52 (0.10) 8 0.86 (0.00) 5
  Fruits 586 0.79 (0.24) 95 1.31 (0.18) 21 0.86 (0.17) 30

Key: N, total observations; Mean, average of within-subjects means; SE, average of within-subjects standard errors; n, number of subjects