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. 2020 Dec 15;4:2470547020975758. doi: 10.1177/2470547020975758

Table 4.

Individual adjusted regression analyses.

Morning Waking (T2)

Awakening Slope (T1-T3)
Parameter Estimate Standard Error t Value P Estimate Standard Error t Value P
A. Regression analysis assessing clinical pain with primary explanatory variables
 Intercept 0.6508517202 0.20143443 3.23 0.0017 0.0005605506 0.00031816 1.76 0.0813
 Age −0.0038365159 0.00318873 −1.20 0.2318 0.0000021430 0.00000521 0.41 0.6819
 Female −0.0702454503 0.04337013 −1.62 0.1085 0.0000699530 0.00007851 0.89 0.3752
 NHB −0.0139706427 0.05081243 −0.27 0.7839 −0.0001930958 0.00008684 −2.22 0.0285
 No. comorbidities −0.0174505499 0.02300955 −0.76 0.4500 −0.0000235486 0.00003950 −0.60 0.5524
 GCPS CPI −0.0017814126 0.00098400 −1.81 0.0733
B. Regression analysis assessing psychosocial stress with primary explanatory variables
 Intercept 0.2917743014 0.18260250 1.60 0.1133 0.0004106642 0.00031634 1.30 0.1975
 Age −0.0021277423 0.00302477 −0.70 0.4835 −0.0000021048 0.00000508 −0.41 0.6797
 Female −0.0572067728 0.04255212 −1.34 0.1820 0.0000840440 0.00007537 1.12 0.2678
 NHB −0.0285008307 0.05873582 −0.49 0.6286 −0.0000547617 0.00009498 −0.58 0.5657
 No. comorbidities −0.0262819621 0.02153824 −1.22 0.2253 −0.0000201981 0.00003700 −0.55 0.5864
 Financial Satisfaction 0.0237385718 0.00849693 2.79 0.0063 0.0000379614 0.00001553 2.44 0.0165
 EOD 0.0067156097 0.00379505 1.77 0.0799
Income 0.0000122608 0.00001716 0.71 0.4768

A. The overall models were not significant. B. Overall models: Morning Waking (p = 0.0034) and Slope (p = 0.0166) - Indicates variables were not included in the overall model. NHB = non-Hispanic Black; GCPS CPI =  Graded Chronic Pain Scale Characteristic Pain Intensity, EOD = Experience of Discrimination.