Accessibility |
Physical distance, mode of transport, autonomy |
Residence in Lilongwe versus Kasungu, urban versus rural residence, how woman gets to nearest market/shop to purchase food, how long it takes to get to nearest market/shop to purchase food, who purchases most food, female autonomy |
Affordability |
Purchasing power |
Household food expenditures, amount spent on special foods for children <5 years Proxies for purchasing power: main source of drinking water, toilet facility used by the household, total number of household assets, household food insecurity |
Desirability |
Preferences, tastes, desires, attitudes, culture |
Maternal taste preferences, mother’s body size preference for herself and her child, mother’s perception of a healthy body size for herself and her child, purchasing special foods for children <5 years in household |
Other factors |
Demographic |
Age of mother, age of child, child’s sex, maternal educational attainment, household size, number of children <5 years in the household |
Morbidity |
Maternal and child morbidity (diarrhea, fever, and cough) |