a) KIF15_MD6S MT-activated steady-state ATPase velocity plotted as a function of [MT]. Data were fit to a Michaelis–Menten kinetic (pink curve) yielding values for k
cat = 2.9 ± 0.5 s
−1 and K0.5,MT = 4.8 ± 1.4 μM; R
2 = 0.97, which are very similar to previously published values for KIF15_MD of k
cat = 2.1 s
−1 and K0.5,MT = 3.1 μM (
Klejnot et al., 2014). (
b) Gold-standard Fourier shell correlation (FSC) curves between independent masked, unmasked, phase-randomised, and corrected half-maps (
Chen et al., 2013) of the KBP–KIF15_MD6S complex as calculated by RELION v3.0 (
Zivanov et al., 2018). The resolution at the ‘gold-standard’ 0.143 FSC cutoff is 6.9 Å. (
c) Local resolution as calculated by RELION v3.0, shown on the same view as in
Figure 2a with coloured density corresponding to the local resolutions indicated in the key. (
d) Selected RELION v3.0 (
Zivanov et al., 2018) 2D classes of KBP–KIF15_MD6S (left) and KIF1A_MD–KBP (four to the right). Densities for the kinesin motor domain and KBP are pseudo-coloured pale magenta and pale orange respectively. Classes have been in-plane rotated such that KBP is seen from roughly the same orientation. Note poor resolution and a variable relative position in the KIF1A_MD. (
d) A representative subset of KBP–KIF15_MD6S complex 2D classes, showing multiple orientations.