RNA-seq data were first filtered for low expression. Out of 9730 annotated
N. crassa genes, 8622 were expressed in four of six samples (>0 FPKM units in triplicate control and Δ
prd-2). FPKM units for 8622 expressed genes were log
2-transformed, averaged, subtracted from control, and Z-scores computed. In all, 129 genes (gold) were upregulated in Δ
prd-2 (Z-score < −2) and 292 genes (blue) were downregulated in Δ
prd-2 (Z-score >2). Hypothesizing that PRD-2 is an RNA-binding protein that stabilizes its target transcripts (
Figure 3B), we searched for enriched sequence motifs in the untranslated regions of the 292 downregulated genes using Weeder2 (212 annotated 5’-UTRs and 226 annotated 3’-UTRs searched). Zero motifs scored better than 1.5 from Weeder2 output compared to background Neurospora nucleotide frequencies (data not shown). Up- and downregulated gene categories were then run through FunCat to determine functionally enriched categories of genes in the putative PRD-2 regulon. Of the 292 downregulated genes, 128 were input to FunCat, and the top scoring functional categories indicated that carbohydrate and secondary metabolism were decreased in Δ
prd-2. Out of 128 upregulated genes, 80 were also input to FunCat, and other metabolism categories were identified, which could indicate altered central carbon metabolism in the Δ
prd-2 mutant, correlating with its slow growth phenotype (
Figure 1C).