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. 2020 Dec 17;10:22139. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-77748-x

Table 1.

All published studies that reported the effectiveness or safety of hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, or azithromycin.

Study Country Case definition No. patients (intervention/standard care) aAge (intervention-standard care) Sex (total male percentage) Treatment Duration (days) Primary outcomes Findings
Type of study Intervention
Study setting Control
Borba25 Brazil Clincally suspected adults with severe COVID, 81 (41:40) 47.4 ± 13.3 75.3% males HCQ 600 mg bid 23 March–5 April 2020 Lethality until day 13 39% (high dose) and 15% (low dose)
RCT HCQ 450 mg bid for one day then 450 mg/d for 4 days
Chang26 USA COVID-19 positive 117 (HCQ: 66 HCQ + AZM: 51) 60.2 ± 14.9 59.5% males HCQ 400 mg bid for 1 d then 200 mg bid for 4 d Assess QTc 32.1 ± 25.1 ms (HCQ) 35.7 ± 28.9 ms (HCQ + AZM), P = 0.66
Prospective cohort HCQ as before + AZM
Chen27 China PCR-confirmed COVID-19 30 (15:15) HCQ: 50.5 ± 3.8; SC: 46.7 ± 3.6 HCQ: 60% males; SC: 80% males HCQ 400 mg/d for 5 d 6 Feb–25 Feb 2020 PCR conversion One week after hospitalization 86.7% (HCQ) and 93.3%(SC)
Chen28 China Covid-19 62 (31:31) HCQ: 44.1 ± 16.1 Intervention 45.2% males HCQ 400 mg/d 4 Feb–28 Feb 2020 Absorption of pneumonia in CT 80.6% (HCQ) and 54.8% (SC) Shorter duration of cough and fever in HCQ group
RCT SC: 45.2 ± 14.7 Standard care 48.3% males SC Clinical improvement Two patients experienced side effect (HCQ)
Four paients deterirated in the (SC)
Chong29 China Covid-19 11 51.55 ± 12.54 63.6% males LPV/r 400/100 mg bid for 14 days + HCQ 400 mg bid day‐1 then 200 mg bid for 2‐5) N/A Developed QT prolongation 27.3% developed prolonged QTc
Gautret30 France PCR positive mildly infected Covid-19 patients 80 52.5 (42–62) 53.8% males HCQ 200 mg tid for 10 d + AZM 500 mg for 1 d then 250 mg/d for 4 d 3–21 March 2020 Clinical course, viral clearance and hospital stay Clinical course: 81.3% with favorable outcome
Retrospective observational Viral clearance: 93% had viral clearance at Day8
Hospital stay: mean length of stay of 4.6 days
Gautret30 France PCR confirmed COVID-19 patients 36 (HCQ: 14 HCQ + AZM: 6; SC: 16) Total HCQ 51.2 ± 18.7 SC: 37.3 ± 24.0 Total HCQ: 45% males; SC: 37.5% males HCQ 200 mg tid for 10 d Early March-16 March Virological cure 57.1% (HCQ), 100% (HCQ + AZM) and 12.5% (SC)
Clinical trial HCQ as before + AZM: loading 500 mg then 250 mg/d for 4 d
Geleris6 USA All Hospitalized adult patients with positive COVID-19 infection 1376 (811:565) HCQ: 58.4% male; SC: 54.3% males HCQ 600 mg bid one day then 400 mg/d for 4 days 7 March–8 April 2020 Composite of time to intubation or death (time-to-event analysis) No significant association between HCQ and intubation or death (hazard ratio, 1.04; 95% CI 0.82–1.32)
Observational SC
Gerard31 France Reports of cardiotoxicity associated with HCQ, CQ, AZM, or LPV/r use in COVID-19 120 64.3 ± 13.4 76.7% males HCQ/CQ/AZM/LPV/r Cardiac adverse drug reactions 86% (HCQ), 60% (AZM), 14%( LPV/r) and 2.5% (CQ)
Hraiech32 France COVID-19 PCR positive ICU patients 45 (HCQ + AZM: 17, LPV/r: 13, SC: 15) HCQ + AZM: 60 ± 17 LPV/r: 62 ± 13; SC: 60 ± 16 HCQ + AZM: 88% males; LPV/r: 69% males; SC: 73% males HCQ 600 mg and AZM 500 mg then 250 mg/d 2 March–31 March 2020 Viral clearance at day 6 treatment PCR was negative in 5/13 (38%) from the LPV/r group, 3/17 (1%) from the HCQ + AZM group and 2/15 (20%) from the control group
LPV/r: 800 mg/d
Case control SC
Macías33 Spain Retrospective cohort patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases with confirmed or suspected COVID 19 722 (290:432) HCQ: 56 (45–65); No HCQ: 58 (48–68) HCQ: 16%; No HCQ: 21% HCQ vs. no HCQ (for autoimmune disease) 27 Feb–16 April 2020 Incidence of COVID 19 in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases receiving vs. not receiving HCQ 5 cases (1.7%) in those on HCQ vs. 5 cases (1.2%) in those not on HCQ
Mahévas34 France severe acute respiratory syndrome 173 (84/89) HCQ: 59 (48–67); SC: 62 (54–69) HCQ: 77% males; SC: 67% males HCQ 600 mg/d 12 March–31 March 2020 the survival rate at day 21 without transfer to ICU 76% (HCQ) and 75% (SC)
Comparative observational SC
Rosenberg35 USA Lab confirmed COVID-19 1438 (HCQ + AZM: 735; HCQ 27; AZM: 211SC: 221) HCQ + AZM: 61.4; HCQ: 65.5; AZM: 62.5; SC: 64 HCQ + AZ: 62; HCQ: 58.3; AZM: 63.5; SC: 49.8 HCQ + AZ 15 March–28 March 2020 Mortality 25.7% (HCQ + AZM), 19.9% (HCQ), 10% (AZM) and 12.7% (SC)
Retrospective cohort AZ
Stroppa36 Italy COVID-19, Cancer patients 56 71.64 ± 10.08 80% males in cancer patients, 48% males in Non-cancer patients 7 days or HCQ 400 mg/d alone or AV + HCQ 21-Feb 21, 2020 to March 18, 2020 Mortality Of the 25 cancer patients, nine (36%) are dead and 16 (64%) are alive, with improvement from pneumonia, in the control group of patients hospitalized and treated with the same protocol in the same period, 16.13% are dead and 83.87% are alive P = 0.12
Case–control 25 Cancer patients,31 non-cancer patients
Broek37 Netherlands Hospitalized and suspected with COVID-19 95 patients 65 (min18-max 91) 66.3% males CQ 600 mg then 300 mg bid for 5 d 8–27 March 2020 Assess the degree of CQ induced QTc prolongation in hospitalized COVID-19 patients 22 patients (23%) had a QTc interval exceeding 500 ms
Retrospective observational study
Voisin38 France Hospitalized patients with COVID-19 pneumonia 50 patients 68 (53–81) 55.2% males

HCQ 600 mg/d for 6 d + AZM 500 mg/d for 1 d then 250 mg/d for 2–5 d


18 March–25 March 2020 Effect of HCQ + AZM combination on QTc in case of short term treatment of COVID 19 38 patients (76%) presented short term modifications of QTc (> 30 ms)
Yu39 China Confirmed COVID-19 in critically ill adult patients 550 (48/502) HCQ: 68 (60–75); SC: 68 (59–77) HCQ: 66.7% males; SC: 62.2% males HCQ 200 mg bid (7–10 days) 1 Feb 2020 to 4 April, 2020 Mortality and inflammatory cytokines level Mortality: 18.8% (HCQ) and 47.7% (SC)
Retrospective cohort SC IL-6 reduced from 22.2 (8.3–118.9) pg/ml to 5.2 (3.0–23.4) pg/ml (HCQ) but no change in (SC)
Huang40 China Confirmed COVID-19 patients 22 CQ: 10 LPV/r: 12 CQ: 41.5 (33.8–50.0) LPV/r: 53.0 (41.8–63.5) CQ: 30% LPV/r: 50% CQ 500 mg bid for 10 d 27 January 2020 to 15 Feb 2020 Virological cure, CT scan improvement and hospital discharge at day 14 Virological cure: 100% (HCQ) and 91.7% (LPV/r)
Case–control LPV/r 400/100 mg bid for 10 d CT scan improvement: 100% (HCQ) and 75% (LPV/r)
Hospital discharge: 100% (HCQ) and 50% (LPV/r)
Magagnoli41 USA Lab confirmed COVID-19 hospitalized patients 807 ( HCQ: 198 HCQ + AZ: 214 SC: 395) HCQ: 71 (62–76.8), HCQ + AZ: 68 (59–74); SC: 70 (59–77) HCQ: 97%; HCQ + AZ: 95.3%; SC: 95.2% HCQ 400 mg/d for 5 d 9 March 2020–29 April 2020 Mortality and mechanical ventilation Mortality: HCQ aHR, 1.83; 95% CI 1.16–2.89; P = 0.009, but HCQ + AZM aHR, 1.31; 95% CI 0.80–2.15; P = 0.28. compared to SC
Retrospective cohort HCQ 422 mg/d + AZM for 5 d Mechanical ventilation: HCQ aHR, 1.19; 95% CI 0.78–1.82; P = 0.42 but in the HC + AZ aHR, 1.09; 95% CI 0.72–1.66; P = 0.69, compared to SC
Ramireddy42 USA COVID-19 Confirmed/suspected patients 98 (AZM: 27–HCQ: 10–AZM + HCQ: 61) 62.3 ± 17 61% males HCQ + AZM 1 February 2020 to 4 April, 2020 QT prolongation Significant prolongation in men (12% of patients) reached critical QTc prolongation
Case-series HCQ 400 mg bid on day1 then 200 bid on days 2 to 5 Changes in QTc were highest with the combination group compared to either drug alone, with many-fold greater prolongation with the combination vs. AZM alone (17 ± 39 vs. 0.5 ± 40 ms, P = 0.07)
AZM either 500 mg daily or 500 mg on day1 followed by 250 mg daily on days 2–5
Barbosa43 USA PCR positive COVID-19 patients 63 (32/31) HCQ: 61.8 ± 15; SC: 63.7 ± 15.4 HCQ: 46.9% males; SC: 71% males HCQ 400 mg bid for 1–2 days then 200–400 mg/d for 3–4 days 15 March 2020–31 March 2020 Mortality rate 12.9% (HCQ) and 3.13% (SC)
Retrospective cohort SC
Mallat44 UAE Hospitalized adult patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection 34 (23/11) HCQ: 33 (31–48); SC: 41 (30–55) HCQ: 73.9% males; SC: 72.7% males

HCQ 400 mg bid for 1 day, then 400 mg/d for 10 days


1 March–25 March 2020 The time to SARS-CoV-2 negativity 17 (13–21) days HCQ and 10 (4–13) days SC
Retrospective cohort
Huang3 China Confirmed COVID-19 cases 373 (197/176) CQ: 43.8 ± 13.1; SC: 45.6 ± 13.5 CQ: 49% males; SC: 45% males CQ 500 mg/d 7 Feb-8 March 2020 Median Time to undetectable viral RNA 3 (3–5) CQ and 9 (6–12) SC
Prospective Observational SC
Feng45 China Confirmed COVID-19 cases 50 (25/25) CQ: 51 (41–62); SC: 46 (38–67) 50.4% of males CQ 500 mg bid Jan 17–Feb. 28, 2020 1ry outcome: development of severe pneumonia None of patients treated with CQ developed severe pneumonia, though without significance (difference, 12.0%; 95% CI − 3.5 to 30.0%; P = 0.074)
Retrospective cohort SC
Mathian46 France SLE with COVID-19 HCQ: 17 53.5 (26.6–69.2) 23.5% males HCQ 29 March–6 April 2020 Clinical course Admitted to hospital (82%); needed O2 therapy (64.7), ICU admission (41%) Respiratory complications: ARDS (29%) Respiratory failiure (65%) Pneumonia (76%) Acute renal failure (17.6%), hemodialysis (11.8%) Discharge (36%), Death (14%), remained in hospital (50%)
Case series N/A
Tang47 China patients hospitalized with PCR confirmed mild to moderate COVID–19 150 (75/75) HCQ 48.0 ± 14.1; SC 44.1 ± 15.0 HCQ: 56% males; SC: 53% males HCQ 1200 mg/d for 3d then 800 mg/d for 14–21 d 11 to 29 February Rate of viral negative conversion at 28 days (56/75 (74.6%) in SC and 53/75 (70.6%) in HCQ) negatively converted before 28 days
Carlucci48 USA PCR positive COVID-19 patients 931 Zinc + HCQ + AZM: 411; HCQ + AZM: 521 Zinc + HCQ + AZ: 63.19 ± 15.18; HCQ + AZ: 61.83 ± 15.97 Zinc + HCQ + AZM: 64.3% males; HCQ + AZ: 61.4% males HCQ 400 mg/d for 1 d then 200 mg bid for 5d + AZ 500 mg/d for 5 d + zinc sulfate 220 mg bid for 5 d 2 March 2020–5 April 2020 Effect of adding zinc to HCQ and AZM The addition of zinc sulfate did not impact the length of hospitalization, duration of ventilation, or ICU duration
Retrospective observational The same dose as in the other group but without zinc
Singh49 USA Confirmed COVID-19 patients 1820 (910/910) HCQ: 62.17 ± 16.81; SC: 62.55 ± 17.62) HCQ: 53.96% males; SC: 54.94% males HCQ (dose not mentioned) 20 January, 2020–1 May, 2020 Mortality 30-day and need for mechanical ventilation Mortality: 11.34% (HCQ) and 11.98% (SC)
Retrospective cohort SC Mechanical ventilation: 5.05% (HCQ) and 6.26% (SC)
Singh49 USA Confirmed COVID-19 patients 1402 (701/701) HCQ + AZM (dose not mentioned) 20 January, 2020, to 1 May, 2020 Mortality 30-day and Need for mechanical ventilation Mortality: 12.27% (HCQ + AZM) and 10.27% (SC)
Retrospective cohort SC Mechanical ventilation: 5.71% (HCQ + AZM) and 5.85% (SC)
Regina50 Switzerland laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2 patients 200 70.0 (55.0–81.0) 60% males From March 1 to March 25, 2020 Need for mechanical ventilation (MV) at day 14 HCQ: (31.2%); Remdisivir: (100%); Protease inbititors: (31%); Tocilizumab: (82%)
Retrospective cohort
Membrillo51 Spain laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 patients 166 (123/43); 83 patients had a mild clinical picture at admission, 48 moderate, and 35 severe HCQ: 61.5 ± 16.2; SC: 68.7 ± 18.8 HCQ: 61.8% males; Non HCQ: 62.8% males Loading dose of HCQ 800 mg + 400 mg, followed by maintenance dose of 400 mg/d N/A Mortality 48.8% of patients not treated with HCQ died versus 22% in the group of HCQ (P = 0.002)
Observational Cohort SC HCQ increased the mean cumulative survival in the mild-moderate and severe group to 1.8, 1.4, 1.6 times respectively but the difference was statistically significant in the mild group
Lee52 South Korea Confirmed COVID-19 patients 72 (LPV/r: 45 HCQ: 27 Median (IQR); LPV/r: 39 (24–56); HCQ: 37 (24–53) LPV/r: 44.4%; HCQ: 44.4% LPV/r: 400/100 mg/d bid 21 Feb 2020 to 21 March 2020 Compare clinical outcomes of both treatments Disease progression (HCQ) 44% and (LPV/r) 18%
Retrospective cohort HCQ: 400 mg/d
Million53 France PCR positive COVID-19 patients 1061 43.6 ± 15.6 46.4% males HCQ 200 mg tid for 10 d + AZM 500 mg on day 1 followed by 250 mg/d for 4 d 3 March 2020 to 31 March 2020 Death, clinical worsening, and viral shedding persistence (> 10 days) 91.7% had good clinical outcome and virological cure, 4.4% had viral shedding persistence and 0.75% died
Retrospective cohort
Okour54 USA Confirmed COVID-19 patients 36 Patient Not provided Not provided HCQ+/−AZM March 2020 Probability of negative-PCR in patients Odds of positive-PCR decrease by 53% for each unit increase in HCQ log-concentration. Similarly, the odds decrease by 61%, and by 12% for each day increase, and azithromycin co-treatment, respectively
Saleh55 USA Confirmed COVID-19 patients 201 CQ: 10; HCQ: 191 (119 patients received AZM in addition to HCQ) 58.5 ± 9.1 57.2% males CQ 500 mg bid for 1 d then 500 mg/d for 4 d or HCQ 400 mg bid for 1 d then 200 mg bid for 4 d 1–23 March 2020 Assess QT prolongation resulting in Torsade de pointes 440.6 ± 24.9 ms (HCQ/CQ) and 439.9 ± 24.7 ms (HCQ/CQ + AZM) (P = 0.834)
Prospective cohort The same doses as before + AZM 500 mg/d for 5 days
Chorin56 USA COVID-19 patients 251 patients 64 ± 13 75% males HCQ 400 mg bid for 1 d then; 200 mg bid for 4 days + AZM; 500 mg/d for 5 d Assess the change in QTc QTc > 500 ms, occurred in 23% of patients
Retrospective cohort

aHR adjusted hazard ratio, ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome; AZM azithromycin, CI confidence interval, CQ chloroquine, CT computed tomography, HCQ hydroxychloroquine, ICU intensive care unit, IQR interquartile range, LPV/r Lopinavir/ritonavir, ms milliseconds, N/A not applicable, PCR Polymerase chain reaction, QTc corrected QT interval, RCT randomized control trial, SC standard care.

aAge was presented either as mean ± Standard deviation or median (Interquartile range).