Representation of horizontal gaze coordinates for the
contrary motion task based on a C-Major scale, performed at 3 different
speeds (from slow to fast) by Player #2. The upper part of the schema
represents the high register, the highest point being the highest note
(towards the right of the performer), the bottom part represents the low
register (towards the left of the performer) – the drawing on the left
represents a top-view of the keyboard. At the slowest speed, 119bpm
(left), the musician has enough time to fix on the central note (cf.
circled section). At medium speed (144bpm), there is only one fixation
on the centre of the keyboard, while the last iteration of the task (on
the right, 190bpm) leads to a loss of control of gaze accuracy – which,
in this case, takes place on the non-dominant hand side of the player,
before fixing only on the central note of the exercise, C.