Figure 5.
Human commensal microbiota may contribute to the acquisition of the 46 kb genomic island 1. The complete 46 kb GI1 is not present in any other microbial genome or plasmid sequence, but two gene segments (8.4 kb and 13.7 kb) within the island are found in other human enteric bacteria. The 8.4 kb gene segment is present in Enterococcus faecium EnGen0312 UAA407, Anaerostipes hadrus BPB5-Raf3-2-5, Clostridioides sporogenes YH-Raf3-2-5 and Roseburia intestinalis M50/1 strains (89.8%, 90.4%, 90.5% and 92.2% DNA sequence identity, respectively). E. faecium also harbors a 13.7 kb gene segment at 99% sequence identity. These two gene segments are found in E. faecium as part of a 36 kb genomic element. RT106 strains do not carry this 36 kb genomic element, but other C. difficile strains (VL0228 and 17-314-01071) strains have the identical 36 kb genomic element. Tree scale: 0.01 represents 0.01 substitutions per nucleotide site.