Fig. 1. Purification of GFP-tagged endogenous human RNA polymerase III.
a Confocal imaging of modified HeLa cell line expressing homozygous sfGFP-tagged POLR1C gene. Endogenous GFP signal, representing Pol I and III (green), DAPI staining (magenta) and overlay of both channels are shown. Scale bar: 5 µm. Shown is a representative image of four independent experiments. b Affinity-purified human RNA Pol III from HeLa nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. Confirmed RNA Pol subunits are labelled. Shown is a representative image of two separate experiments. c Purified human RNA Pol III (hPol III) from large-scale whole-cell lysate with Pol III subunits marked. Shown is an excised lane of a representative image of three separate purifications. d RNA extension assay of fluorescently labelled FAM-15mer RNA primer by purified human Pol III. Marked is Pol III-mediated primer extension. The molecular marker displays expected sizes for 15 and 21 nucleotides (nt). Displayed is a representative image of seven independent repeats. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.