Figure 6.
Results of the finite element simulations for the virtual composites with layers stacked along the thickness. (A) Apparent bending modulus (calculated with Eq. 4 and normalized by the apparent modulus of the two-layer configuration) for different elastic contrasts between compliant and stiff layers (Estiff/Ecompliant = 1000, 2000 and 3000). In this situation, there was an ideal zero-thickness interface between layers. The experimental behavior obtained by DMA for the sharp interface is also shown. (B) Average shear strain and (C) shear stress computed within all the alternating layers (for the 4-layer scenario) without interface and assuming two different elastic contrasts (Estiff/Ecompliant = 1000 and 3000). (D) Normalized apparent bending modulus assuming a blurred interface between alternating layers (thickness of 150 μm and elastic modulus of 500 MPa). For an elastic contrast of 2000, two additional elastic properties for the interface were considered: 50 and 1500 MPa. Experimental DMA data are shown for both the blurred and sharp interface. (E) Average shear strain and (F) shear stress computed within all the alternating layers assuming a finite size interlayer interface (thickness 150 μm, elastic modulus 500 MPa).