Fig. 2.
Evaluations on laser-induced responses of gelatin-based skin mimicking phantom (10% concentration gelatin and 0.03% w/v melanin powder) after irradiation with MLA and DOE at various radiant exposures (H0 in J/cm2) and focal depths (FD in mm): (a) top-view images of macro-beam spots (cyan dashed lines) on phantom surface (bar = 2 mm), (b) spatial distributions of micro-bubble sizes acquired from middle line (red dashed line) of macro-beam spots (H0 = 4.5 /cm2), and (c) comparison of coverage of micro-bubbles in each macro-beam spot at FD = 0 mm (R2 = 0.92). Gray areas in (b) represent the deviations for the measured micro-bubble sizes.