Figure 4.
PhyB Is Not Required for Activity of phyA-NLS-YFP in FR Light.
(A) Inhibition of hypocotyl growth by phyA-NLS-YFP does not require phyB. Seedlings were grown in the dark or in FR light of different intensities. After 5 days, hypocotyl length was measured. Bars show mean hypocotyl length of ≥20 seedlings ± SD. Replicates are shown in Supplemental Figure 4.
(B) PhyB is not required for upregulation of anthocyanin levels by phyA-NLS-YFP. Seedlings were grown in the dark or in continuous FR light (13 μmol m−2 s−1) for 5 days. Anthocyanin was then extracted and relative amounts were quantified. Bars show mean values of A535–A650 per seedling of three replicates ± SD.
(A and B) Data for Col-0, phyA-211, and fhy1-3 fhl-1 are from Figure 2.