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. 2020 Oct 27;25(1):27–37. doi: 10.1097/LGT.0000000000000573


Overall Quality of Evidence for Outcomes (Modified GRADE)54

Outcome Summary RoB assessmenta Indirectness Imprecision Inconsistency Publication bias Magnitude of effect Confounder effectb Overall
SGTP vs GT switch43,47,49,51 Unclear Direct Precise Consistent No Large No Moderate
High-grade CIN; SGTP vs GT switch47,4951 Low Direct Precise Consistent No Large No High
Genotype risk discrimination; high-grade CIN; SGTP2,42,43,48,5053 Unclear Direct Precise Consistent No Moderate No Moderate

aSee RoB table (see Table 2).

bCofounder effect characterizes the degree to which all plausible confounders would tend to increase confidence in the estimated effect.