A) Liposomes with phospholipid content similar to mammalian (60% PC, 20% PE, 10% PS, 10% cholesterol) or E. coli (67% PC, 23% PG, and 10% CL) membranes were loaded with the fluorescent probe sulforhodamine B. Liposomes were treated with the indicated concentrations of JD1 or with control DMSO and monitored for fluorescence over a 90 minute period. Data are normalized to DMSO. Student’s t-tests comparing the two indicated samples, * P ≤0.05, ** P ≤0.005. B) Liposomes composed of 60% or 70% PC with 10% or 0% cholesterol, respectively, and with PE and PS concentrations ranging from 0–30% or 30–0%, respectively were exposed to JD1 and examined for sulforhodamine B release. Averages and SEM of three biological replicates performed with technical triplicates.