Figure 3.
Discontinuation relapse interaction effect: (a) Depicted are clusters for significant interactions between discontinuation and relapse between our choosen seed in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC, magenta) and the parietal cortex (red) and the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC, green) and a paired t-test in non-relapsers only for RSFC between right dlPFC and the parietal cortex (blue). (b–d) The Fisher z-transformed average functional connectivity between the right dlPFC and the surviving clusters in the parietal cortex and the PCC is depicted for the interaction between relapsers and non-relapsers (b, d, respectively). Specifically, depicted are significant interaction effects with p < 0.0083 which survive our threshold corrected for multiple comparison. Exact p values are given in Table 2. (c) The paired post-hoc t-test in non-relapsers for the interaction effect in relation to the parietal cortex shown in (b). Error bars indicate standard errors.