Fig. 5.
Country-level hospitals and beds requirements by 2030 in SSA. (A) Bar plot showing the ratio of new required public hospital beds to achieve an availability of two beds per 1,000 local population by 2030 compared with the currently reported beds in each country (according to the most recent statistics from the WHO supplemented by country data and provided by the World Bank). (B) Logarithmic scatterplot of the required additional hospital beds and hospital facilities (to meet accessibility targets, excluding expansion of existing facilities) to be added by 2030, with the color fill showing the absolute number of existing hospital facilities. AGO, Angola; BDI, Burundi; BEN, Benin; BFA, Burkina Faso; BWA, Botswana; CAF, Central African Republic; CIV, Côte d’Ivoire; CMR, Cameroon; COD, Democratic Republic of the Congo; COG, Republic of the Congo; ERI, Eritrea; ETH, Ethiopia; GAB, Gabon; GHA, Ghana; GIN, Guinea; GMB, Gambia; GNB, Guinea-Bissau; GNQ, Equatorial Guinea; KEN, Kenya; LBR, Liberia; LSO, Lesotho; MDG, Madagascar; MLI, Mali; MOZ, Mozambique; MRT, Mauritania; MWI, Malawi; NAM, Namibia; NER, Niger; NGA, Nigeria; RWA, Rwanda; SDN, Sudan; SEN, Senegal; SLE, Sierra Leone; SOM, Somalia; SSD, South Sudan; SWZ, Swaziland; TCD, Chad; TGO, Togo; TZA, United Republic of Tanzania; UGA, Uganda; ZAF, South Africa; ZMB, Zambia; ZWE, Zimbabwe.