Generated PDA on the Cell Membrane Act as Artificial Receptors
Cell viability of CCRF-CEM cells treated with various reagents followed by verification of cell viability by MTS assay. The error bars represent the standard deviation of three parallel experiments.
(A) Cells treated with different concentration of Chol-AS1411.
(B) Cells treated with PDA reagents, Group Dop: dopamine only; Group Control: dopamine and hemin-lipid-AS1411 without K+ and H2O2.
(C) Cells treated with different concentration of saporin (with/without artificial receptor). The “Without PDA” labels contain all the compounds such as dopamine, and all the reaction conditions are kept precisely the same as the “With PDA” wells.
(D) Cells treated with different concentration of cisplatin (with/without artificial receptor). The “Without PDA” labels in Figures 3C and 3D contain all the compounds such as dopamine and all the reaction conditions are kept exactly same with the “With PDA” wells.