Fig. 4.
Experiment 3: Harmonic advantage persists for consistent inharmonic jitter pattern. (A) Schematic of trial structure for experiment 3. Task was identical to that of experiments 1 and 2, but with delay durations of 0, 1, and 3 s, and adaptive threshold measurements rather than method of constant stimuli. (B) Example block order for experiment 3, in which the 12 adaptive runs for each condition were presented within a contiguous block. The beginning of an example run is shown schematically for each type of condition. Stimulus conditions (Harmonic, Inharmonic, Inharmonic-Fixed) were blocked. Note the difference between the Inharmonic-Fixed condition, in which the same jitter pattern was used across all trials within a block, and the Inharmonic condition, in which the jitter pattern was different on every trial. Delay conditions were intermixed within each block. (C) Results of experiment 3. Error bars show within-subject SEM.