Overview of Ψ55 synthesis in different tRNAs. TRUB1 produces Ψ55 in U54U55-containing tRNAAla and A54U55-containing tRNAAU-Ala in the nucleus. Modified tRNAs are then exported to the cytoplasm. Conversion of U54 to T54 in tRNAAla is not shown here. Nuclear PUS10 (nh-PUS10) inhibits nuclear TRUB1 activity by binding to U54U55-containing tRNATrp that has AAAU at position 57–60, and to A54U55-containing tRNAiMet, that has GAAA at position 57–60. These tRNAs are consequently exported to the cytoplasm with an unmodified U55. Cytoplasmic PUS10 (ch-PUS10) produces both Ψ54 and Ψ55 in tRNATrp, but not in tRNAiMet.