Figure 8. The effects of Hv1 deficiency on the expression levels of inflammatory biomarker genes in the spinal cord at 3 d post-injury.
(A) NOX2 (Cybb) expression was significantly lower in SCI/Hv1 KO group compared to SCI/WT group. (B) Pro-inflammatory markers. (C) Anti-inflammatory markers. (D) Astrocyte marker Gfap. All data are presented as independent data points. N=10 (Sham/WT), 10 (Sham/Hv1 KO), 7 (SCI/WT), and 7 (SCI/Hv1 KO) mice. ***p<0.001 vs. Sham groups; #p<0.05, ##p<0.01, ###p<0.001 vs SCI/WT. Two-way ANOVA following Tukey’s multiple comparisons test.