Table 1. Fasting blood glucose variability association with cardiovascular risks and diabetes mellitus development .
RCT: randomized controlled trial, FPG: fasting plasma glucose test, DM: diabetes mellitus, FBG: fasting blood glucose, MI: myocardial infarction, T2D: type 2 diabetes, TIA: transient ischemic attack, CV: cardiovascular
Author | Year | Country | Type of study | No of patients | result |
Hirakawa et al. [13] | 2014 | Australia | RCT | 4,399 patients followed for 24 months | Glucose variability was associated with vascular damage and death |
Jin et al. [8] | 2017 | China | Prospective | 68,297 followed for 4 years | An increasing rate of FBG predicted future risk of MI. |
Wang et al. [9] | 2017 | China | Longitudinal cohort | 53 607 followed for 4.93 years | PG variability linked to mortality and cardiovascular disease irrespective of FPG |
Yoon et al. [14] | 2017 | Korea | Prospective cohort | 674 TIA and stroke (3 months) | The initial glycemic variability might increase CV events in acute ischemic stroke patients with diabetes |
Cardoso et al. [10] | 2018 | Brazil | A prospective cohort | 654 patients followed for 9.3 years | Glucose variability predicted both micro and macrovascular complications |
Echouffo-Tcheugui et al. [12] | 2019 | USA | Prospective cohort | 4982 followed for five years | visit-to-visit variability in FPG was associated with increased mortality |
Zhou et al. [11] | 2019 | USA | RCT | 1791 followed for 84 months | Fasting glucose variability was linked to mortality after controlling for hypoglycemia and lifestyle |