Figure 1: Intracaudate injection of PRX-2 upregulates brain LCN-2 in male WT mice.
A) LCN-2 immunoreactivity at day 1 in the ipsilateral or contralateral basal ganglia (BG) after injection of PRX-2 or saline. Scale bar=20 μm; B) LCN-2 protein levels in the ipsilateral BG after injection of PRX-2 or saline (Western blot). Values (ratio to β-actin) are means ± SD; n=4 per group, *P<0.05, PRX-2 vs. saline, by the Student t test. C) Double labeling of LCN-2 with either MPO (neutrophil marker), GFAP (astrocyte marker), Iba-1 (microglia/macrophage marker), VWF (endothelial cell marker) or NeuN (neuronal marker) after PRX-2 injection into the ipsilateral BG at day 1. Scale bar=20 μm.