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. 2020 Dec 21;20:1922. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-10035-6

Table 2.

Regression models of COVID-19 question responses

(1) Ordered Logit (2) Ordered Logit (3) Binary Logit (4) Ordered Logit (5) Ordered Logit (6) Binary Logit
VARIABLES National Likelihood Local Vulnerability National, not Local National Likelihood Local Vulnerability National, not Local
# of Cases confirmed
 # of cases (100’s) in United States confirmed by 2:00 PM of the study date 0.173b 0.110b −0.000
(0.038) (0.036) (0.045)
 # of cases in Louisiana confirmed by 2:00 PM of the study date 0.104b 0.073b −0.004
(0.026) (0.025) (0.031)
Personal Characteristics:
 Female 0.536b 0.099 0.178 0.563b 0.108 0.185
(0.215) (0.208) (0.264) (0.214) (0.208) (0.263)
 Age × Student Status: (Base: 18–24 × Student) Joint p = 0.100a Joint p = 0.027b Joint p = 0.095a Joint p = 0.093a Joint p = 0.035b Joint p = 0.091a
 25–44 × Student 0.273 0.858b −0.366 0.198 0.803b −0.370
(0.381) (0.371) (0.486) (0.380) (0.370) (0.485)
 18–24 × Non-student 0.369 0.246 0.178 0.372 0.247 0.179
(0.255) (0.243) (0.294) (0.255) (0.243) (0.294)
 25+ × Non-student − 0.710a 0.965b −1.773b −0.750a 0.950b −1.781b
(0.430) (0.412) (0.773) (0.429) (0.411) (0.772)
 HH Income: (Base: $14,999 or less per year) Joint p = 0.118 Joint p = 0.258 Joint p = 0.336 Joint p = 0.082a Joint p = 0.218 Joint p = 0.338
 $15,000–$49,999 per year 0.081 −0.453 0.369 0.053 − 0.468 0.369
(0.330) (0.316) (0.406) (0.330) (0.316) (0.406)
 $50,000 - $99,999 per year −0.668a − 0.230 − 0.109 − 0.719a −0.270 − 0.106
(0.372) (0.361) (0.460) (0.372) (0.362) (0.460)
 $100,000 or more per year −0.400 − 0.766b 0.716 − 0.428 − 0.801b 0.717
(0.370) (0.352) (0.438) (0.371) (0.352) (0.438)
 Prefer not to answer −0.566a − 0.433 0.107 − 0.627b − 0.485 0.107
(0.318) (0.308) (0.394) (0.318) (0.309) (0.394)
 Race: (Base: Non- Hispanic White) Joint p = 0.500 Joint p = 0.011b Joint p = 0.221 Joint p = 0.503 Joint p = 0.015b Joint p = 0.213
 Non-Hispanic Black 0.213 0.590b −0.573 0.171 0.564b −0.577a
(0.292) (0.278) (0.349) (0.291) (0.277) (0.348)
 All Others −0.156 0.698b −0.348 − 0.190 0.672b − 0.351
(0.261) (0.256) (0.333) (0.260) (0.255) (0.331)
 Health Insurance −0.118 0.202 0.196 −0.151 0.177 0.195
(0.339) (0.325) (0.429) (0.336) (0.324) (0.428)
 Recycle 0.543 0.624a 0.097 0.570 0.643a 0.099
(0.374) (0.328) (0.419) (0.376) (0.329) (0.419)
 Compost 0.071 0.210 −0.108 0.010 0.184 −0.111
(0.233) (0.227) (0.286) (0.231) (0.226) (0.285)
 Aware of Food Waste −0.121 0.039 −0.018 − 0.110 0.051 − 0.019
(0.215) (0.209) (0.261) (0.215) (0.209) (0.261)
 Eat a Healthy Diet −0.547b − 0.285 − 0.004 −0.553b − 0.297 −0.003
(0.269) (0.256) (0.331) (0.269) (0.257) (0.331)
 In-Person Recruitment 0.135 −0.188 0.698b 0.143 −0.185 0.697b
(0.228) (0.214) (0.272) (0.229) (0.215) (0.272)
Randomly Assigned Experimental Elements:
 Food Waste Info 0.378a 0.550b −0.223 0.371a 0.550b −0.224
(0.206) (0.201) (0.252) (0.206) (0.201) (0.252)
 Nutrition Info 0.191 −0.072 0.314 0.183 −0.077 0.313
(0.206) (0.200) (0.250) (0.206) (0.200) (0.250)
 Vegetable Group −0.424a −0.001 −0.069 − 0.383 −0.009 − 0.050
(0.246) (0.234) (0.293) (0.248) (0.237) (0.297)
 Large Plate 0.340 −0.067 0.232 0.339 −0.050 0.225
(0.223) (0.214) (0.270) (0.224) (0.215) (0.271)
 Compostable Plate 0.189 0.034 0.051 −0.045 −0.119 0.055
(0.224) (0.214) (0.267) (0.222) (0.213) (0.265)
 Veg Top of Menu 0.046 −0.187 0.247 0.043 −0.185 0.246
(0.213) (0.204) (0.257) (0.213) (0.204) (0.257)

 Constant cut1

Constant cut2

−2.342b −0.932 −2.799b −1.232b
(0.691) (0.627) (0.682) (0.611)
−0.803 0.614 −1.270b 0.314
(0.657) (0.621) (0.647) (0.604)
 Constant cut3 −0.031 1.173a −0.506 0.872
(0.655) (0.623) (0.643) (0.605)
 Constant cut4 1.940b 2.823b 1.444b 2.519b
(0.662) (0.640) (0.646) (0.620)
 Constant −1.753b − 1.744b
(0.779) (0.760)
 Observations 353 353 353 353 353 353
 Pseudo R2 0.063 0.046 0.071 0.058 0.045 0.071

Notes: b, a denotes a statistical significance at the 5 and 10% level. Standard errors of the estimated logit coefficient parameters are presented in parentheses. Variable importance factors from complementary Classification Tree Analyses (see Table 3 and Figures S3-S4 for full classification tree results), where larger numbers represent variables with greater predictive capacity