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. 2020 Oct 8;6(4):379–388. doi: 10.1016/j.aninu.2020.08.001

Table 1.

Commonly used prebiotics for intestinal health.

Prebiotics Subjects Dosage Duration Outcomes References
FOS Methionine-choline deficient C57BL/6J mice 5% 3 wk ↑ Villus height, small intestine length, ZO-1, SCFA
Lactobacillus spp.
Clostridium spp.
Matsumoto et al. (2017)
FOS 7-wk-old male C57BL/6J mice 5% and 25% 4 wk Bifidobacterium, Coprococcus, Enterococcus, and Blautia,
↓ Firmicutes
↑ SCFA production
Mao et al. (2018)
FOS 3-wk-old male Sprague–Dawley rats 10% 2 wk ↑ Cecum Bifidobacterium
↓ Cecum Lactobacillus
↑ Propionate, n-butyrate and total SCFA
Yamaguchi et al. (2018)
FOS 10-wk-old C57BL/6J mice 0.3 g/mouse 8 wk ↑ Expression of intectin, regenerating islet-derived protein 3-gamma
↓ Firmicutes-to-Bacteroidetes ratio, Lactobacillus, Coprococcus, Eubacterium, Allobaculum, Turicibacter
Everard et al. (2014)
FOS 3-wk-old female C57BL/6J mice 8 g/kg BW 2 wk ↑ Intestinal expression of IL-23, IL-1β, mucosal mast cell, SCFA production Chen et al. (2017)
FOS Salmonella challenged laying hens 0.5% and 1.0% 3 wk ↑ IL-1β, IL-18, and IFN-γ
Adhikari et al. (2018)
FOS Dogs 1.5 g/kg 4 wk ↑ Bifidobacteria, acetic-to-propionic acid ratio
↓ pH in faces, acetic + n-butyric acid-to-propionic acid ratio
Pinna et al. (2018)
FOS Weaned piglets 0.6% 7 d ↑ Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus in jejunum
↑ IFN-γ
↓ Proteobacteria in jejunum and ileum
↓ IL-4, IL-10
Chang et al. (2018)
scFOS 18-wk-old obese male C57BL/6J mice 10% 4 wk ↑ Cecal and colonic crypt depth, transmural resistance
↑ Actinobacteria, Verrucomirobia
Liu et al. (2016)
scFOS Humanized Gnotobiotic diet induced obese mice 10% 7 wk ↑ Bifidobacteria
↑ Full cecum weight, empty cecum weight
Clostridium spp.
Respondek et al. (2013)
scFOS Adult pigs and offspring piglets Adult pigs (10 g/d), weaning piglets (0.15%) 4 wk ↑ Bacteroidetes, Prevotella, Bacteroidales, Ruminococcaceae
↓ Firmicutes
↑ Total concentration of SCFA
Le Bourgot et al. (2018)
GOS Humans 0 to 10 g/d 16 wk ↑ Actinobacteria, bifidobacteria, Firmicutes Davis et al. (2011)
FOS, GOS Humans 16 g/d 2 wk Bifidobacterium
Ruminococcus, Phascolarctobacterium, Coprococcus, Oscillopira, Salmonella, Enterobacter
Liu et al. (2017)
α-GOS Fifty-six-wk old male CD-1 (ICR) IGS mice 0.083, 0.42, and 0.83 g/(kg·d) 6 wk ↑Bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, Clostridium leptum
Dai et al. (2017)
GOS 4-wk-old male Wister rat 1% 2 wk ↑ Bifidobacteria in large intestine, Bifidobacterium animalis, Eubacterium rectale/Clostridium coccoides in cecum and colon
C. leptum in cecum
Marin-Manzano et al. (2013)
GOS SPF mice 1% 2 wk Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Bacteroides, Clostridiales
Bacteroidales, Helicobacter, Clostridium
Monteagudo-Mera et al. (2016)
scGOS Humans 1.5 to 15 g/d 36 d Bifidobacterium, Faecalibacterium, Lactobacillus Azcarate-Peril et al. (2017)
GOS Suckling piglets 1 g/kg BW 3 wk ↑ intestinal length, ZO-1, TGF-β, GLP-2
↓ Crypt depth in jejunum, IL-12
Tian et al. (2018)
High-purity GOS In vitro and in vivo 1% 5 wk Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei Hong et al. (2016)
scGOS/lcFOS IL-1Ra deficient mice 1% to 5% (90% scGOS and 10% lcFOS) 8 to 10 wk ↑ Lachnospiraceae and Lactobacillus
Enterococcus and Clostridium
Rogier et al. (2019)
COS Weaned piglets 100 mg/kg Bifidobacterium
↑ Villus height, tight junction protein, IL-6, TNF-α
Escherichia coli
Wan et al. (2017)
COS Weaned piglets 30 mg/kg 2 wk ↑ Intraepithelial lymphocytes number, goblet cells, IL-10, secretory immunoglobulin, ZO-1
↓ Villus height, villus height-to-crypt depth ratio
Xiong et al. (2015)
COS E. coli K88+ challenged piglets 400 mg/kg 2 wk ↑ Villus height, villus height-to-crypt depth ratio
↓ Crypt depth
Aluko et al. (2017)
COS ICR male mice 1 to 100 mg/(kg·d) 2 wk ↑ Colon length, epithelial architecture
↓ Mucosal injury, TNF- α, IL-6
Yousef et al. (2012)
COS Wild-type male C57BL/6J mice 200 mg/(kg·d) 3 mo Akkermansia, Lachnospiraceae
Helicobacter, Ruminococcus, Lachnospiraceae NK4A136, Odoribacter
↑ Tight junction ZO-1,
↓ TNF-α, MCP-1 (a macrophage biomarker)
Zheng et al. (2018b)
AOX and inulin In vitro 5 g/L 48 h Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides, Prevotella
↑ Acetate, propionate, butyrate, IL-6, IL-10
↓ Colonic pH
Van den Abbeele et al. (2018)
AOX, XOS In vitro 5 g/L 48 h Bififdobacterium adolescentis, Lactobacillus brevis
↓ pH
Mathew et al. (2018)
XOS Humans 1.2 g/d 6 wk Lactobacillus spp., Bifidobacterium spp.
Clostridium perfringens
Lin et al. (2016)
XOS Pigs 200 mg/kg 4 wk ↑ Villus height-to-crypt ratio
↑ Lactobacilli
E. coli
Liu et al. (2018)
XOS Pigs 100 to 500 g/t 70 d ↓ Proteobacteria, Citrobacter
↑ Firmicutes, Lactobacillus, SCFA
Pan et al. (2019)
XOS Weaned piglets 0.01% Weaned Streptococcus, Turicibacter, ZO-1
Lactobacillus, IFN-γ
Yin et al. (2019)
XOS Laying hens 0 to 0.05% 8 wk ↑ Villus height, villus height-to-crypt depth ratio, SCFA, TNF- α, IL-2
↑ Bifidobacteria
Ding et al. (2018)
XOS, MOS Arbor Acres male broiler chickens XOS at 2 g/kg, MOS at 1 g/kg 5 d Coprococcus, Ruminococcus, Enterococcus, Clostridium, Lactobacillus, Roseburia
↑ TNF-α
Pourabedin et al. (2017)

FOS = fructo-oligosaccharides; ZO = zonula occludens; SCFA = short-chain fatty acids; IFN = interferon; scFOS = short-chain FOS; GOS = galacto-oligosaccharides; TGF-β = transforming growth factor-β; scGOS = short-chain GOS; GLP-2 = glucagon-like peptide-2 lcFOS = long-chain FOS; COS = chito-oligosaccharides; MCP = monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; TNF = tumor necrosis factor; IL = interleukin; AOS = alginate oligosaccharides; XOS = xylo-oligosaccharides; MOS = mannan-oligosaccharides.

“↑” and “↓” mean respectively “increased” and “decreased” after prebiotic supplementation.